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Film/Television Studies

This web site provides guidance and links to research tools in the areas of film and television studies. Most tools are openly accessible however, unless indicated, database use is restricted to current American University students, faculty, and staff.

Subject Guide

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Sean Casey
Media Services/University Library
American University

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Film and television studies at American University

Film and television studies are an important part of the curricula in the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Communication and  video is widely incorporated in courses taught in the other colleges at American University as well. At the AU Library, our goal is to encourage the use of film and video for instructional purposes and foster the study of film/video as an art form, a communication tool, and an agent of social change. The links provided in this guide are intended to help American University faculty and students become familiar with the collections available to them and conduct research and otherwise pursue their interests in film and video. There are also many links to freely-accessible internet resources that will be of interest to the non-AU visitor.

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