Written by Shennette Garrett-Scott, Rebecca Cummings Richardson and Venita Dillard-Allen, this article in Black History Bulletin provides historical background while encouraging educators to mindfully incorporate Junteenth into their curriculum. Includes lesson plans.
Carroll Parrott Blue recounts her personal connection to Emancipation Park in Houston Texas, purchased and founded by four former slaves as a place to celebrate Juneteenth.
From the database Black Studies Center, this reference entry from the Handbook of African American Literature provides a short description of Juneteenth and its use in African American Literary works.
The history, customs, and symbols associated with both traditional and contemporary religious and secular events observed by americans of african descent.
Call Number: Curriculum Materials Center, Larissa Gerstel Critical Literacy Collection, Third Floor - PZ7 .C78485 Ju 2015
ISBN: 1479558192
Publication Date: 2015-01-01
Little Mazie wants the freedom to stay up late, but her father explains what freedom really means in the story of Juneteenth, and how her ancestors celebrated their true freedom.
Call Number: Curriculum Materials Center, Larissa Gerstel Critical Literacy Collection, Third Floor PZ7 .J629 All 2014
ISBN: 9780689873768
Publication Date: 2014-05-06
In 1865, members of a family start their day as slaves, working in a Texas cotton field, and end it celebrating their freedom on what came to be known as Juneteenth.
Cassandra and her family have moved to her parents' hometown in Texas, but it does not feel like home to Cassandra until she experiences Juneteenth, a Texas tradition celebrating the end of slavery.
Free at Last by Sojourner Kincaid Rolle; Alex Bostic (Illustrator)
ISBN: 9781454943747
Publication Date: 2022-05-24
This lyrical celebration of Juneteenth, deeply rooted in Black American history, spans centuries and reverberates loudly and proudly today.
A Q&A with author Sojourner Kincaid Roll can be found on the We Need Diverse Books blog.