To aid in the selection of video's for your class and research needs, we've created a large number of filmographies on many subject areas.
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This is a selective list of video holdings in the American University Library. Filmographies are created by doing multiple keyword searches in the catalog to capture as many titles on a topic as possible.
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See Also:
Speeches and Public Speaking Filmography
1988 presidential campaign commercials. 1988. (ca. 56 min.). Two journalists review presidential television campaign spots and discuss issues surrounding the 1988 television campaigns of both the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. Selected television spots from the Bush and Dukakis campaigns are shown. VHS 841 (request through Media Services)
1992 presidential campaign commercials. 1992. (23 min.). "Compiled on one tape are the campaign commercials of the 1992 presidential primary. Included are commercials of all of the candidates. Featured are the Tsongas Speedo shot, the Kerrey hockey spot, the Harkin closed factory spot, the young Clinton spot, and the Brown Wojohowitz spot. From the Republican primary, the Bush I care spot and the chorus of no new taxes! spots are included as are the negative NEA and General Kelley spots." Summary taken from the Public Affairs Video Archives website. VHS 4538 (request through Media Services)
1992 primary campaign classics. 1992. (123 min.). Compiled program. Journalists review presidential television campaign spots and issues surrounding the 1992 campaigns. Selected television spots from the campaigns are shown. VHS 2487 (request through Media Services)
1992-1996 political campaign commercials. 1996. (ca. 10 min.). Compilation of campaign commercials made 1992/96. Primarily commercials from the presidential races; includes both direct appeals (Bob Kerrey speaking directly to the camera in an empty auditorium), more personal attacks (ad featuring a phone number to call and listen to tapes of President Clinton talking to Jennifer Flowers) and also major political party position statements. VHS 5389 (request through Media Services)
30 frames a second the WTO in Seattle. 2000. (75 min.). First-person account of the events that unfolded during the week the World Trade Organization came to Seattle in November of It's told from the perspective of veteran cameraman Rustin Thompson, who covered the November 1999 WTO conference as an independent journalist. It is the story of how Thompson's objective point-of-view evolved into a subjective account of what became an unscheduled, unruly outbreak of democracy. streaming online.
30 second seduction. 1985. (28 min.). An investigation of the modern television commercial, thirty seconds' worth of someone's creative ideas on how to capture the viewer's attention and arouse the viewer's imagination. Emphasizes that commercials talk about everything except the merits of the product. DVD 5959
30-second president. 1988. (58 min.). Explores the history and impact of televised political advertising on U.S. presidential elections. Discusses advertising approaches to election campaigns and their effect on perceptions of the candidate. Includes ads used by Eisenhower, Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Nixon and Reagan. streaming online.
A healthy baby girl. 1996. (57 min.). At twenty-five, Judith Helfand was diagnosed with a rare form of cervical cancer caused by diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic hormone, that her mother had taken to prevent miscarriage. At home with her own family after a radical hysterectomy, she picked up her camera and, over the next five years, created a video-diary that explores what happens when science, marketing, and corporate power intersect with the deeply held desire to reproduce ourselves. Film documents a story of mother-daughter love, family renewal, survival, political awakening, and community activism. DVD 8220
A perfect candidate. 1996. (106 min.). What can you say about a campaign that offers no issues of real substance but does offer lying, demagoguery, negative advertising and manipulation of public opinion? Film is a revealing, chilling and darkly funny look into the modern American political process that focuses on the 1994 U.S. Senate race in Virginia that pitted former Marine Oliver North against incumbent Charles Robb. DVD 5909 and streaming online.
Ad and the ego truth and consequences. 1996. (57 min.). Discusses how the market economy has grown to the point that commercialism invades the most intimate aspects of life. Leading media critics show how living in an environment saturated with advertising creates a psychology of need. The history of advertising is traced from the 19th century through today. DVD 8989
Ad and the id sex, death, and subliminal advertising. 1992. (30 min.). Looks at the use of the findings of mass psychology to guide ad campaigns and to manipulate the public using subliminal advertising - the "hidden persuader." Program shows viewer how to see the "the ad hidden within the ad - the ad which is addressed to the id which is hidden underneath the ad which is addressed to the ego. DVD 8992
Advertising & the end of the world. 1998. (47 min.). Extensively illustrated with graphics and examples from commercial imagery, Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts Amherst presents a compelling and accessible argument about consumerism and its impact on the earth's future. DVD 1583 and streaming online.
Advertising missionaries. Australia. 1996. (53 min.). A look at "walkabout" advertising. Capitalizing on a growing cash economy in New Guinea, a traveling theater troupe (missionaries of life-style and new products) use a portable stage to spread the gospel of consumerism to isolated areas which cannot be reached by other means. streaming online.
Advertising tactics. Business basics. 2003. (20 min.). How we as consumers should be aware of advertising tactics. DVD 15706
Animation education. 1988. (60 min.). Three examples of animation propaganda from the 40s and 50s plus a bonus short. Easy does it: uses animated characters and a hard-sell story line to sell canned goods to grocery stores. -- Winky the watchman: This dental education film for children offers much entertainment and little instruction. In live action, a friendly dentist seats four children in his waiting room and begins to tell them a story about a city defended by beautiful white walls that look like their own teeth. The footage then shifts to animation. When Winky, a sleepy little watchman, fails to guard the wall--a set of teeth--much trouble ensues from the "Bad-uns"--disease and decay--until the "Good-uns"-- dentists--come to the rescue. -- Cleanliness brings health: made for Latin America. Film shows how personal cleanliness, clean food, and safe disposal of excreta are first steps in protection against disease microbes in the home. Compares the habits of a clean family with those of a careless DVD 15919
Arrangement. 1969. (125 min.). A successful ad man attempts to re-evaluate his life situation. DVD 2212
Art of asking 1 on 1. 1989. (15 min.). Discussion of the twelve steps in gift solicitation. DVD 15848
Atomic cafe. 1982. (88 min.). A documentary exploration of the United States government's propaganda promoting the atomic bomb. Relies on film clips of the 1940's and 1950's, including bits and pieces of propaganda films, newsreels, popular songs, and defense training films. DVD 536
Banana split. 2002. (47 min.). "Beginning with consumers in a local fruit market; this film winds its way through the hustle and bustle of a major distribution centre, to the daily challenges of everyday life in Honduras. Viewers find out about the history of bananas, the highly sophisticated system of production and transportation involved in bringing the fruit to market, and are introduced to sponsored efforts to help secure the banana as a staple food source in the developing world. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, the banana represents the fine line between life, misery and death for millions of people. Viewers learn not only about bananas, but about the problems of marketing and distribution, the effects of disease and natural disasters, the role played by international development, and are given reason to pause the next time they visit their local fruit seller." --from DVD 6940
Behavioral strategies to lead public relations through the transitions of the 90s. 1990. (57 min.). Mr. Jackson discusses the strategies to achieve the behavioral results that produce desirable social change. DVD 15471
Behind the screens Hollywood goes hypercommercial. 2000. (37 min.). Discusses the idea that mainstream, big-budget movies have become largely a vehicle for advertising and marketing. streaming online.
Best campaign commercials of 1992 general election. 1992. (29 min.). A selection of campaign advertisements for George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ross Perot on the subjects of health care, the budget and trustworthiness, broadcast during the fall, 1992, Presidential campaign. DVD 12248
Best campaign commercials of 1994 forum. 1994. (61 min.). Lazslo & Associates political consulting firm hosts a panel discussion analyzing the most effective campaign commercials of Following presentations, panelists answer audience questions. Includes campaign commercials. DVD 12002
Best campaign commercials the year of the woman. 1996. (39 min.). Documentary of the best American campaign commercials for women in Includes 30 second segments on women candidates for Federal, State, and local elections. The last two are for men promoting women's causes. DVD 15389
Best political TV spots of 2000. 2001. (91 min.). Presents the best campaign commercials for Congressional, state, local, national, and advocacy campaigns and ballot issues. DVD 15703
Big bucks a look at television commercials. 1980. (90 min.). The development of an Oscar Robertson television commercial for Pepsi in Pepsico's "hot shot" program is shown from inception through development, production, filming, recording, editing and airing. Analysts discuss effective techniques and recent research on commercials, including the study of viewers' brain waves. DVD 15456
Black press soldiers without swords. 1998. (86 min.). "Too long have others spoken for us". A History of African-American newspapers and journalism from the mid-19th century through the 20th century. Film chronicles the history of the black press and it role in the construction of modern African American identity. With commentary by historians, journalists, and photojournalists, tells of the struggles against censorship, discrimination and for freedom of the press. DVD 1897
Bright leaves. 2003. (105 min.). Ross McElwee explores his family's roots as tobacco farmers in North Carolina. While reviewing his ancestors' accomplishments, he expresses guilt at the tobacco-based nature of their business. DVD 1263
Buy me that! a kids' survival guide to T.V. advertising. 1989. (28 min.). Presents children with tips to keep in mind when watching T.V. commercials that advertise games and toys. Uses short interviews of children giving their opinions of commercials, and features a commercial maker revealing tricks for making food look appealing in T.V. advertisements. DVD 8736
Ceský sen = Czech dream. 2007. (88 min.). Documents the largest consumer hoax the Czech Republic has ever seen. Filip Remunda and Vit Klusack, two of Eastern Europe's most promising young documentary filmmakers, set out to explore the psychological and manipulative powers of consumerism by creating an ad campaign for a super store that didn't exist. DVD 3700
Charlotte Beers CEO Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, at Harvard Business School, November, 1996. (6 min.). Presents a question-and-answer session between Charlotte Beers and MBA students. Focuses on her approach to taking charge and reflections on the vision formulation process. She also addresses challenges ahead. DVD 3076
Cigarettes who profits? who dies? 1994. (49 min.). Looks at the dangers of smoking and the power of cigarette advertising, featuring former cigarette models who are now dying of cigarette-related cancer. Discusses the tobacco industry's efforts to promote smoking and export products to developing countries. DVD 15015
Classics of political television advertising. 1986. (60 min.). Traces the history of political television ads since the 1952 presidential campaign. Presents a selected group of political commercials representing a variety of campaigns and 36 years of TV broadcasting from 1952 to Spots of 1 minute and less are presented intact; spots originally longer are edited for this presentation. DVD 9555
The Clios 2000. 2000. This program captures winners of the gold, silver and bronze Clio Awards for advertising. streaming online.
Cola conquest a trilogy. Canada. 1998. (153 min.). Looks at the extraordinary story of Coca-Cola, "the sublimated essence of all that America stands for," and its century-long battle with arch-rival Pepsi." Takes the viewer from Coke's invention by a morphine-addicted Civil War vet to the brink of the 21st century. The Big Sell: Through a century of image-making with master artists - including the creation of our modern version of Santa - Coke sheds its patent medicine image to become first the drink for young moderns, and finally the most recognized brand name on earth. Coke's success spawns numerous imitations, including Pepsi, which is just another cola until it targets the "Pepsi Generation." With Pepsi's launch of the Michael Jackson campaign, the Cola Wars explode. Cola War and Peace: During World War II, Coca-Cola becomes an essential morale booster for the troops and a worldwide symbol of the American way of life. As the Cold War turns frigid, former Pepsi lawyer, Richard Nixon, gives Pepsi a decade-plus jump on Coke behind the Iron Curtain. But when the Berlin Wall falls, Coca-Cola is there passing out "the taste of freedom." Back at home, Coca-Cola plays a significant role in the American Civil Rights movement and offers a Vietnam War-weary nation the ultimate commercial for world peace. Coca-Colonization: Tea spills in China, wine in France and blood in Guatemala, as Coca-Cola teaches the world to acquire a taste for "The Real Thing." But as Coke - and Pepsi - are busy abroad conquering new markets, upstart colas are ripping at their heels back home. From the jungles of Papua New Guinea to the "Coca-Cola Olympics" in Atlanta, we see the globalization of American pop culture and corporate influence on the souls of nations. DVD 6019 and streaming online.
Colonel comes to Japan. 1981. (30 min.). Explains that when an American company sets up shop abroad, special considerations must come into play. This program was made 14 years after the opening of the first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Japan. Three factors for success are discussed by management: a powerful and sympathetic Japanese partner, long range view, and scientific adaptation of marketing to the Japanese consumer. DVD 12093
Constructing public opinion how politicians and the media misrepresent the public. 2001. (31 min.). The media regularly use public opinion polls in their reporting of important news stories. But how exactly do they report them and to what end? In this interview, Professor Justin Lewis demonstrates the way in which polling data are themselves used by media to not just reflect what Americans think but instead to construct public opinion itself. Addressing issues such as the role the media play in "manufacturing consent" for political elites, what polls really tell us about public opinion, and what Americans actually think about politics, the program provides a new way to think about the relationship between politics, media and the public. DVD 4767
Consuming images. 1989. (58 min.). Discusses how massed-produced images on TV and in magazines shape private thoughts and the public mind. Discusses how the media uses dramatic visual affects, counterfeit emotions, TV commercials, and news broadcasts to sell products and create images. DVD 5891 and streaming online.
Counterfeit coverage. 1992. (27 min.). Explores how Kuwaiti government over a 6-month period uses one of the biggest public relations firms in America, Hill and Knowlton, to wage an unprecedented media campaign entitled "Citizens of a free-Kuwait" to argue the case for war. DVD 5904
Creating critical TV viewers anatomy of a newscast. 1992. (79 min.). Designed to teach critical television viewing skills in the classroom. An even-handed analysis of day-to-day operations in 6 parts: newscasting, the creative process, economics, commercials, stereotypes and editing. Uses a Denver station as an example and shows the role of demographics, how advertising is presented, and how the allocation of news coverage is determined. DVD 14885
Credibility in an incredible world. 1987. (18 min.). Describes the influence of media, particularly television, upon politics, business, religion, and society. Examines how public relations officers may build and retain credibility. DVD 15637
Culture jamming. Canada. 1993. (12 min.). A collection of satirical 15- and 30-second "anti-commercials" that urge television viewers to "fight TV addiction," give up their polluting cars, and otherwise reject contemporary material excesses. DVD 13907
Deadly persuasion the advertising of alcohol and tobacco. 2003. (86 min.). Jean Kilbourne exposes the manipulative marketing strategies and tactics used by the alcohol and tobacco industries to keep Americans hooked on their dangerous products. DVD 1549
Decline of politics the superficial democracy. 1995. (29 min.). Discussion of the ramifications of an American political arena that favors the superficial exchange of slogans, personal attacks and orchestrated appearances over the serious discussion of issues, problems, and ideas. DVD 13911
Empowering employees through involvement. 1990. (60 min.). Maintaining favorable public opinion and demonstrating corporate or product responsibility are just two public relations functions that can be effectively executed by informed and motivated employees. This training session explores opportunities to design programs for change and growth by recognizing employees as your first and most important DVD 15472
Expanding Nuclear Club. 1991. (29 min.). Uses short interviews and film clips to discuss the spread of nuclear weapons and the security concerns this creates for the world. DVD 9379
Fair Lakes, Fairfax, Virginia. 1988. (ca. 12 min.). Presents a comprehensive overview of a successful, 657-acre multiuse business park located in the Washington, D.C. metro area. Discusses why the developer - Hazel/Petersen - was drawn to the site and how it capitalized on the site's long-term financial potential through negotiated public/private agreements, investments in infrastructure, and provision of on-site amenities. Also addresses marketing strategy, land use mix, landscaping, and transportation. DVD 16403
Fastest game in town a case study in advertising. 1985. (29 min.). Through a profile of Chiat/Day, a successful advertising firm, viewers learn how different companies develop advertising campaigns. Identifies the objectives of advertising and explains how copy strategy and media selection directly affect the achievement of those objectives. DVD 16675
Fender philosophers. 1997. (27 min.). Examines the role of bumper stickers as part of the public issue dialogue in the United States. DVD 15755
Finding a niche determining business potential. 1992. (30 min.). Explains how to find a niche in business or a market the competition is not filling and what to do with it once it is found. DVD 16696
Fine art of separating people from their money. 1996. (115 min.). Includes clips of 60 of the most outrageous and influential commercials of all time. Examines commercial advertising's influence on feature films and the techniques that have made commercials an art form on par with major motion pictures. DVD 15556
Global public relations. 1993. (27 min.). Mr. Reed presents the basic philosophy of international public relations: "ethical persuasion" of people whose culture and social system are different from one's own to take a particular action. He presents his five-point system and discusses how to identify the "manipulative factor." He traces the history of international public relations with allusions to Hiawatha, Aaron (the elder brother of the Prophet Moses) and Magellan. He explains how to get started and recommends particular organizations and publications. DVD 15284
Golden oldies vol 2. 1992. (54 min.). Contains some of the funniest and most imaginative foreign television commercials from England, France, Germany, Sweden, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, etc. DVD 15263
Growing a business. 1988. (112 min.). The Kirk Stieff Company, a maker of hand-crafted silverware, lost market share until it decided to produce products not easily imitated, marketed on a basis of quality rather than price. White Flower Farms, a nursery business, earns most of its revenues through mail order by using a marketing theme that it is a real place, run by real people. -- Henderson Industries, New Jersey-based designer of computer and control systems, is one of the most successful minority-owned companies in the nation, but grew almost too big too fast. -- Lundberg family Farms, specializing in brown rice, controls every phase of production from selection of seed, drying and milling to packaging the product under its own name. DVD 15362-15365