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Social Media Research

Important information to consider when conducting social media research, helpful tools to assist in data collection and analysis, and links to resources on methods, ethics, examples, and more.

Additional resources

On data collection:

"Citing Social Media" in the Library's Citation Style Guide

The AU Library provides an FAQ and a Subject Guide on "Text Mining" and content analysis which covers what text mining is as well as considerations for doing text mining work on academic papers in library databases. 

On social media research history and challenges:

  • "How to fix social media? Start with independent research.", a blog post from think tank The Brookings Institution that explains the concerns social media platforms have regarding user privacy and the concerns researchers have regarding social media platform transparency, as well as major turning points in social media research that have lead to the current situation. Highly recommended reading.

Social Media and Misinformation

Junkipedia is a platform that combines crowdsourcing, sophisticated automatic collection techiques, and automatic linking between related items to help track the spread of misinformation on social media. Used by a combination of journalists, activists, and researchers. Must apply and give institutional affiliation and reason for use to get access.


Social media research methods guides

As mentioned in the introduction, this guide is not meant to be comprehensive nor is it focused on the research methodologies used to work with social media. You may want to consult books, whitepapers, or other sources for more information on methodologies, particularly within your specific field.


This guide was originally written by Andrew Greenman in May of 2022.

This guide is indebted in ideas, links, and language to the excellent subject guides at other libraries that came before it, in particular: