You'll find a 3-D printer, poster printer, equipment for button making, sewing, plus power tools in our Makerspace. And a collection of books to help you design and carry out your projects:
AU Library has thousands of streaming videos in all genres, as well as a collection of DVDs for home use.
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Streaming video highlights:
Provides access to over 1000 full-length productions, interviews, written content, and educational resources that reflect contemporary theatre and performance around the world.
This comprehensive streaming audio collection of world music includes the Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, which is considered an encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions.
Streaming audio access to more than 3,700 albums' worth of recordings, spanning all genres. Includes liner notes and essays from independent record labels and sound archives.
Spanning many genres and historical periods, this collection contains over 69,000 tracks from over 4,000 albums.
Find a musical score by entering search terms - composer or title of work - in the search box on the Music Library page then use the filter to limit results to Resource type = Scores.