R has a lot of pre-existing packages (also called libraries) written by other R users and available for installation.
All official R packages are available through CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network). There are a lot of R packages available; this list of recommended R packages is a good starting point.
Be sure to also check out the available quick reference cheatsheets for R programming functions and commands.
This set of lessons from Software Carpentry is an introduction to R for people with no programming background. It introduces R, the RStudio interface, working with data structures, organizing/subsetting data, making plots, and creating reports. This is a great "get up to speed quickly" set of lessons that use the same data throughout.
Also from Software Carpentry, this set of lessons is more focused on programming basics and best practices (functions, loops, conditionals, etc.).
This is an official R manual. If you want to learn R technicalities top to bottom, this is the right place.
RStudio provides an extensive set of links to learning resources. From getting started with R, to making interactive plots with Shiny, to R code best practices, this page is definitely worth a look.
The library has a lot of eBooks on R. The following titles are just a small selection. Please search our catalog to find many more options or use the AU Library Search bar below.