American University Research Archive: AU's institutional repository preserves and makes a variety of outputs by AU researchers openly available, including working papers, preprints, manuscripts, datasets, theses & dissertations, and more.
Criteria for Inclusion in AU's Institutional Repository or the Library's Digital Collections and Archives
Managing Research Assets Handout: This handout, used during a workshop taught by Digital Humanist Miriam Posner, has tips for preserving your digital assets and questions to consider for establishing a data workflow.
Preserving Your Research Data: This Programming Historian lesson provides concrete examples of how to document digital research.
Guidelines for Preserving New Forms of Scholarship: You can use these guidelines, developed at NYU, to create digital publications that are more likely to be preservable in the long term.
Keep Research Data Organized: This short (5m 42s) Knowledge Clip, produced by Ghent University, explains how to keep your research files organized as your complete a research project. This clip provides tips and best practices for different aspects of file organization, such as file naming, folder structure and version control.