1. Use the filter panel if the database has one. You may be able to narrow by subject, date, type of material, etc.
2. Add a term to your search using the connector AND. "African American" and music
3. Use a more specific term. "African American" and jazz
4. Merge two terms into a phrase with quotation marks "African American music"
1. If you used several search terms, drop one of them
2. Use the connector OR to pick up synonyms ("African American" or Black) and music
3. Use a broader term "African American" and "performing arts"
4. Break a phrase apart into two terms separated by AND "African American music" becomes "African American" and music
This scholarly database contains over 3,600 peer-reviewed publications in full-text on every subject.
Full-text of back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences, plus a collection of more than one million digital art images for teaching and research.
American University is participating in JSTOR’s interactive research tool beta testing. View our FAQ for details.
Multi-subject reference source covering general and academic periodicals; full-text is available for many articles.
An index of scholarly literature on the history and culture of the United States and Canada.
Scholarly journals, commissioned overview essays, and historical indexes. Includes the Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, the International Index to Black Periodicals, the Black Literature Index, and more.
Citations to articles, book reviews, literary works, and other materials about Latin America, the Caribbean, and Hispanics/Latinos in the US, from journals published throughout the world.
Index to international literature on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender issues.
Abstracts of articles from over 2,000 journals and magazines in the areas of Women's Studies and feminist research. Also covers books, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, reports and proceedings. Coverage dates from the 19th c. to present. Includes the Women Studies Abstracts (1972 to present) and other bibliographies.