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CORE 105: What is the South? Professor Anna Kaplan

Ways to Narrow Searches

1.  Use the filter panel if the database has one.  You may be able to narrow by subject, date, type of material, etc.

2. Add a term to your search using the connector AND.  "African American" and music

3. Use a more specific term.  "African American" and jazz

4. Merge two terms into a phrase with quotation marks   "African American music"

Ways to Broaden Searches

1. If you used several search terms, drop one of them

2. Use the connector OR to pick up synonyms  ("African American" or Black) and music

3. Use a broader term  "African American" and "performing arts"

4. Break a phrase apart into two terms separated by AND  "African American music" becomes "African American" and music

AU Library Search

General Databases--Great for Starting Research

Subject Specific Databases