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Artificial Intelligence and Libraries

This content is drawn from a report authored by the AU Library's Artificial Intelligence Exploratory Working Group. You can read the groups full report covering the current state of AI and making recommendations to library leadership in the American University Research Archive.

Current State of AI

The first crucial topic to note is that as soon as anyone writes or reports anything about the “current state” of AI, it is immediately outdated. The rapidity of development is the essential characteristic of this domain, leaving everyone in a state of “feeling behind.” The second important characteristic to note is that most AI is being developed by proprietary corporations and any form of regulation is emergent, meaning that there is not significant transparency.

Therefore, this section aims to summarize what we know at a particular moment in time—early 2024. There are some aspects of the implications of AI that we can forecast, but we do not have the hubris to believe that we can accurately predict what even those who are developing AI cannot. We aim, rather, to ground ourselves in what we do know and essential topics and background that will help inform our strategy.

While we completed this research project, the Association of Research Libraries released their “Research Libraries Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence,” which enunciates principles that are strongly aligned with the recommendations in this overall report (Association of Research Libraries, 2024). We anticipate that there will be other such statements of principles emerging as other groups also conduct this type of analysis.