Below are three places where you will find company's official reports on their financial performance. Often you can find these reports on the company's website, as well, just look for an "investor relations" page (e.g., Disney's).
Proprietary information on more than 65 million public and private companies, along with executive biographies and industry descriptions. **Access limited to 51 concurrent users. Please click on 'Rolling User' > 'Logout' when exiting to release the session for another user.**
Up to 15 years worth of financial information on over 10,000 publicly-held companies in the US. Provides links to EDGAR filings and also contains detailed company history, descriptions and news reports. Also contains BondViewer and archival information on over 4,000 US companies that were acquired, went bankrupt or merged out of existence from 1995 onward.
Access to Mergent Online will be discontinued in August 2025 and replaced by Market Atlas. Access to Market Acces is available concurrently.