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Purdue OWL is a great place to get started on all things MLA or APA
Citation managers can help you save, organize, and share research and citations. Here are three different managers, ZoteroBib, Zotero, and Mendeley. Check out the highlights of each to help you choose which is best for you:
ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software. Your bibliography is stored in your browser’s local storage by default. You can close the page and return to it later, and your bibliography will still be there — no need to worry about saving your data or logging in.
Bibliography and citation styles
In-text citations and footnotes in Word
Export Bibliography
For more assistance with using ZoteroBib, visit their help site.
Zotero is a free, powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze citations and sources such as pdfs and websites, and then share the results of your research. This personal library of sources can work with your word processing tool to format a paper in your choice of style.
Zotero Account
Installation of Zotero
Installation of Browser Connector (Add-on/extension)
Zotero has an excellent help section, or you can schedule an appointment!
Mendeley is a reference manager, academic collaboration network, and crowdsourced database with a unique layer of social information research. Mendeley Reference Manager is available on Mac, Windows and Linux. There is also a free app through iTunes or Google Play.
You will need an account to use Mendeley. You can use any email address to register.
Use the Mendeley Reference Manager to build and organize your collection of references and documents. Drag & drop PDF files into the Reference Manager to instantly create references. Annotate PDFs with highlights and sticky notes as you read them.
Adding the Web Importer to your favorite web browser makes it easy to import references and documents from academic databases.
The plugin allows you to insert citations and bibliographies into your Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, or BibTeX document. Look for the Install link in the Tools menu of Mendeley Desktop.