MLA (Modern Language Association)
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. (handle). "Full text of tweet." Day month year posted, time posted. Tweet.
- Example - American U Library (AULibrary). "2015 winners of Library Research Awards. Don't miss your chance to win $1k this year! #tbt" 3 Mar 2016, 12:31 PM. Tweet.
APA (American Psychological Association)
- @handle. (Year, month day posted). Full text of tweet. [Twitter post]. Retrieved from URL
- Example - @AULibrary. (2016, March 3). 2015 winners of Library Research Awards. Don't miss your chance to win $1k this year! #tbt [Twitter post]. Retrieved from
Chicago Manual of Style
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username] (@handle). Year. "Full text of tweet." Twitter, Month day, year, time posted. URL.
- Example - American U Library (@AULibrary). 2016. "2015 winners of Library Research Awards. Don't miss your chance to win $1k this year! #tbt" Twitter, March 3, 2016, 12:31 p.m.
Facebook (or other similar sites, like Google+) 
MLA (Modern Language Association)
- Lastname, Firstname. "First several words of Facebook post..." Day month year posted, time posted. Facebook.
- Example - American University Library. "One week left to apply for your chance to win $1,000!" 11 Mar 2016, 12:15 PM. Facebook.
APA (American Psychological Association)
- Lastname, Firstname. (Year, month day posted). First several words of Facebook post... [Facebook update]. Retrieved from URL
- Example - American University Library (2016, March 11). One week left to apply for your chance to win $1,000! [Facebook post]. Retrieved from
Chicago Manual of Style
- Lastname, Firstname. Year. "Text of first sentence or phrase Facebook post." Facebook, Month day, year posted. URL.
- Example - American University Library. 2016. "One week left to apply for your chance to win $1,000!" March 11, 2016.
YouTube or other online video 
MLA (Modern Language Association)
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. "Title of YouTube Video." Online video. Day month year posted. YouTube.
- Example - AU Library. "This semester on... AU Library!" Online video. 25 Aug 2015. YouTube.
APA (American Psychological Association)
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. (Year, month day posted). Title of YouTube Video. [Video file]. Retrieved from URL
- Example - AU Library. (2015, August 25). This semester on... AU Library! [Video file]. Retrieved from
Chicago Manual of Style
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. "Title of YouTube Video." Video, length of video, Month day, year posted. URL.
- Example - AU Library. "This semester on... AU Library!" YouTube video, 2:23, August 25, 2015.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username]. (handle). "First several words of Instagram post (if any)..." Day month year posted. Instagram.
- Example - American University Library (aulibrary). "Our view of the busy quad..." 24 Mar 2016. Instagram.
APA (American Psychological Association)
- handle. (Year, month day posted). First several words of Instagram post (if any)... [Instagram post]. Retrieved from URL
- Example - aulibrary. (2016, March 24). Our view of the busy quad… [Instagram post]. Retrieved from
Chicago Manual of Style
- Lastname, Firstname [or single username] (@handle). Year. "Text of first sentence or phrase Instagram post." Instagram, Month day, year posted. URL.
- Example - American University Library (@aulibrary). 2016. "Our view of the busy quad today!" Instagram, March 24, 2016.
This page is adapted and repurposed from . A huge thanks to the creators of the original page!!