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- Bureau of Labor Statistics - The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
- CESSDA - Council of European Social Science Data Archives
- FedScope - Data on Federal Employment.
- Fedstats - More than 70 agencies in the United States Federal Government produce statistics of interest to the public. The Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy maintains this site to provide easy access to the full range of statistics and information produced by these agencies for public use.
- Global Distribution of Poverty- Subnational poverty data sets
- How Much Information - A study on how much information is produced each year.
- Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms
- LABORSTA - This dynamic application on the Internet allows you to access data from the International Labour Organization Bureau of Statistics.
- LSMS - Living Standards Measurement Study - Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) household surveys have become an important tool in measuring and understanding poverty in developing countries. Data from the World Bank.
- National Center for Charitable Statistics - The National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) is the national repository of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States.
- Second Moment - A news and business resource for academia and industry in the fields of applied statistics and analytics.
- STAT-USA - STAT-USA produces, distributes, and assists other government agencies in producing world-class business, economic, and government information resources that U.S. businesses and the public can use to make intelligent and informed decisions
- State and Metropolitan Area Data Book - The Data Book contains a collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States at the State and metropolitan area levels. Selected data for component counties and central cities of metropolitan areas are also included.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States - Provides various reports, data and statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau including economic, demographic and geographic information. Site offers searching capability.
- Statistical Data Sources - From GlobalEDGE at the University of Michigan.
- Statistical Resources on the Web. - A very nice site that lists a whole range of statistical sources on the Web, including government sources.
- UK Statistics - The Official site for UK Statistics
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- U.S. Census Bureau -Provides various reports, data and statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau including economic, demographic and geographic information. Site offers searching capability.