BSR is an international organization which works with its global network of more than 250 member companies to develop sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. See their links for “Research” and “Resources.”
An 87-year old nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to independent research that advances high ethical standards and practices in public and private institutions, ERC is the home of the biennial National Business Ethics Survey, the most exacting longitudinal research effort examining organizational ethics from the employee perspective.
Management Library, founded in 1995, has aims to provide free, easy-to-access, and high-quality online information to help businesses and professionals grow.
An association dedicated to advancing the practice and growth of socially responsible investing. Forum members provide portfolio selection analysis, shareholder advocacy and community investing. The link for “Research & Tools” provides excellent overviews, fact sheets and research reports.
An international organization of scholars and others interested in business ethics, the Society provides a forum for those interested in research, teaching, or the practical application of ethical principles and concepts to the management of businesses. The Society also publishes the scholarly journal Business Ethics Quarterly and provides lists of experts and job openings.
A resource for case studies, syllabi and innovative teaching materials on business and sustainability— from corporate governance to sustainable development, Ideas Worth Teaching is an initiative of the Aspen Institute’s Center for Business Education which also sponsors the Beyond Grey Pinstripes report on MBA programs.
Edelman Trust Barometer
The annual survey, gauges attitudes about the state of trust in business, government, NGOs and media across 23 countries.