Business / Industry Identification
Contains detailed reports on over 700 industries in the United States. Also includes company and segment benchmarking metrics. Reports are based on the NAICS code.
Includes company and industry profiles and country PESTLE reports, as well as alternative data, such as tenders, social media, and job analytics.
Pitchbook tracks the private and public equity markets. It provides data on the venture capital, private equity and M&A landscape, including information about funds, limited partners, service providers, founders, investors and buyers.
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Within the context of business research, industry white paper are well-researched reports about an issue within given industry. They are often written by a company within that industry in an effort to showcase knowledge and expertise or promote the use of a product or in an effort to address the issue. Marketers within the tech industry frequently create white papers to taut certain solutions and/or products. Alternatively, they could be produced by a trade/professional association in order to advocate for a specific position regarding an industry issue. Note that white papers outside of business research tend to recommend certain policy positions, but this isn't always, or even often, the case for industry white papers.
There isn't one, go-to database for finding white papers but there are a few different ways you can find them:
**Thanks to the Business Research Guide from San Jose State University for help with formatting the white papers Google search!