Country-level data providing advice on risk, foreign investment and industry, and the business climate. Our subscription provides access to a suite of products from EIU, including Country Data, Country Analysis Reports, and Market Indicators and Forecasts.
CityData was sunsetted in June 2024. Historical CityData files are available upon request.
Passport is a global market information database examining countries, consumers and industries. It offers integrated access to internationally comparable statistics, market reports and interactive visualization tools. ** Access limited to current AU students, faculty, and staff. **
Economic, political, and geographical background information and statistical data by country. Includes a listing of around 1,900 international organizations.
Provides data for over 140 reporting countries. The UN's official source for imports, exports, and re-exports for 90% of world trade. To download bulk data you must register for a new account. Click more for instructions. ** The legacy platform at will be discontinued at the end of Q1 2023. **
To create a new account:
1. Click the login link in the top right corner of the main page. 2. Select "Sign up now" to create an account. 3. Enter a valid AU email address and click on "Send Verification Code". 4. Check your email inbox & Spam folder for the verification code (account verification can take up to one business day) then copy/paste the code into the verification code box. 5. Click on "Verify Code" to complete the email verification. 6. Once verified, you can continue with registration. 7. When you have successfully created your account, you will be logged in and directed to the main landing page. You should now see the link on the top right "My Comtrade Premium".
Includes the following statistical databases from the International Monetary Fund: Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS); Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS); Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS); Financial Access Survey (FAS); Government Finance Statistics (GFS); International Financial Statistics (IFS); and International Reserves Template.
Includes information about foreign countries with reference maps. Also includes information about the United Nations and other Intergovernmental Organizations.
Country Commercial Guides (CCG's) are prepared annually by U.S. embassies with the assistance of several U.S. government agencies. These reports present a comprehensive look at countries' commercial environments, using economic, political and market analysis.
Describes and analyzes the political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions, of individual countries, and examines the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors.
Surveys significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports by country. Includes import tariffs and taxes, export subsidies, intellectual property rights protection, service and investment barriers, and other policies.