The speeches collection. Volume 1DVD 520. The speeches of JFK. Campaign, 1960 ; Inauguration, 1961 ; State of the union, 1961 ; Rice University, 1962 ; Civil rights, 1963 ; Berlin, Germany, 1963 ; Cuban missile crisis, 1962 ; State of the union, 1963 ; State of the union, 1962 --The speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery bus boycott, 1955 ; Civil disobedience & nonviolent struggle, 1956-1962 ; March on Washington, Aug. 28, 1963 ; Selma, Alabama, march to Montgomery, 1965 ; The struggle continues, 1963-1968 ; A final address, 1968 ; RFK memorial for Martin Luther King -- The speeches of Gerald Ford. Oath of office, 1974 ; Pardon of Richard Nixon, 1974 ; Bicentennial dinner, 1976 ; GOP convention acceptance speech, 1976 ; State of the union farewell, 1977 -- The speeches of Ronald Reagan. Goldwater endorsement, 1964 ; Bush - Reagan debates, 1980 ; Inaugural address, 1981 ; 41st convention, National Association of Evangelicals ; Military build-up, 1983 ; Farewell address, 1989.