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Research data across the lifecycle

An overview of considerations, resources and tools for working with data in your research projects

Where can I get help with statistical software/analyses?

If you're navigating the complexities of statistical software or analysis, here are some areas where you might need assistance:

  • Selecting or Using Statistical Software: Whether you're unsure about which software to use or need guidance on how to effectively utilize it for your research.

  • Choosing Appropriate Methodologies: Identifying the right methodologies for your analyses based on your specific data and research questions can be challenging. Get help to ensure your approach is sound.

  • Interpreting or Selecting Outputs: Understanding the results of your statistical analyses and choosing the most relevant outputs can be crucial for your research findings.


Depending on your role at AU, you have several support options for where to get assistance:

For further support, check with the appropriate contact within your academic unit to explore additional resources and services available to you.