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Primary Source Research: What are the types of primary sources?

How to do Primary Source Research

What are the types of Primary Sources?

Personal Accounts - “I was there”

Among the most frequently used primary sources are writings or interviews that come directly from the people who were present when the event being studied occurred. This material, created by individuals who directly experienced or were involved in the subject under investigation, is considered primary. The “I was there” type of primary source is referred in many different terms:

  • Personal recollection
  • Firsthand account
  • Eyewitness report
  • Contemporary account
  • Direct Personal recollection
  • Personal observation
  • Autobiography
  • Saw with ‘own eyes’


In additional to personal accounts, documents, such as court records, laws, hearings, treaties, death certificates, maps, photographs, that originate from or were created at the time of the event being studied are also primary sources. In some cases, documents created shortly after the event can also be primary.

Original Creations

Original creations by a person, such as letters, diaries, an autobiography, poem, musical score, work of art, screenplays, military field notes, a scientist’s lab notebooks, or an anthropologist’s diaries are primary.

Raw Data

Numerical data is a primary source. Data from public opinion polls may be primary. Once the raw data is interpreted or combined with other data it may no longer be primary.


Tools, clothing, buildings, films, TV shows, or tangible objects from a particular period can be a primary source.