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Filmography - Alphabetical List of Films, Videos & Media

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Titles available on DVD and streaming video as of June 2012. 

This is a selective list of video holdings in the American University Library. Filmographies are created by doing multiple keyword searches in the AU Library Search catalog to capture as many titles on a topic as possible.  All DVDs listed below are located in Media Services on the Lower Level of Bender Library. To search the library’s complete videos holdings on specific topics (including VHS tapes) keyword searches in the library catalog will be necessary:

Most streaming videos listed are available exclusively to AU students, staff and faculty after an online authentications by AUID#.

9/11 through Saudi eyes. 2002.  1 streaming video file (53 min.). In this program, a broad cross-section of Saudis-parents and neighbors of the accused hijackers, editors of Arab News and Asharq Al Awasat, political and military analysts, a psychologist, and others-give their perceptions of events and issues involving September 11th. Interviews provide background on and insights into the lives and minds of the alleged hijackers, the recruitment practices of al Qaeda, the co-opting of jihad for militant political ends, Osama bin Laden's cult of personality, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and frustration over U.S. foreign policy. This video, the first documentary to scrutinize 9/11 from the Saudi perspective, is a powerful learning tool for students of political science, the Middle East, and Islam. (Portions in Arabic with English subtitles, 53 minutes).  Streaming video

A new history of the world. 2003.  1 streaming video file (57 min.). Is there such a thing as a just war? Is terrorism ever morally acceptable? And can ancient art change the current view of history? This program investigates these and other questions with political philosopher Michael Walzer, who examines the origins of modern terrorism; classicist Glen Bowersock, whose study of ancient mosaics is helping him deepen his understanding of great conquests from antiquity; and Oleg Grabar, a historian of Islamic art, who discusses the religious and political volatility of the Dome of the Rock. In addition, Kirk Varnedoe, formerly of New York's Museum of Modern Art, talks about Jackson Pollock and what exactly makes modern art so modern. (57 minutes).  Streaming video

America at a crossroads. 2007.  1 videodisc (60 min.). In 2005, a group calling itself Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheech, which translates to Assembly of Authentic Islam, and shortened to JIS by law enforcement, plotted to strike U.S. military facilities, Israeli national interests and synagogues in the Los Angeles area around the Jewish high holidays. This film features the complexities of Islam in prison by tracing the men charged with 2005 alleged terrorist plot in Los Angeles and an overcrowded prison system which might become a breeding ground for homegrown terrorists.  DVD 4473

Anti-Semitism in the 21st century The resurgence. 2007.  1 videodisc (60 minutes). Today, parts of the world are experiencing a dramatic resurgence of anti-Semitism--from hate propaganda to vandalism to attacks on Jews themselves.  Reports from research groups indicate a major increase in  anti-Semitic incidents since the year 2000, with the worldwide annual average number of major violent incidents nearly doubling from 1990s levels.  It is particularly severe in Western Europe, where research shows that since the year 2000, Muslim and Arab youths were increasingly responsible for attacks against Jews and Jewish properties.  Meanwhile outside of Europe, in more and more Arab and Islamic communities around the world, there is an alarming increase in anti-Semitic rhetoric in the political and public arenas, especially in the mainstream media.  What is fueling the rise in anti-Semitism in the Islamc and Arab worlds today?  What real threats does it pose?  And how can history help us better understand what is happening?   DVD 3135

Anti-Semitism in the 21st century The resurgence-educator's edition. 2007.  1 streaming video file (58 min.). Although hatred of the Jewish people is often found at the margins of society, anti-Semitism appears to be approaching a groundswell in many parts of the world. This program examines the phenomenon at institutional and grassroots levels, focusing primarily on the Middle East and the complex history behind its conflicts. Viewers will encounter several provocative ideas about Islamic anti-Semitism and the attitudes Jews and Muslims have developed concerning each other. Celebrated historian Bernard Lewis, former Israeli Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, Iranian-American author Reza Aslan, Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy, and other experts propel this timely discussion. Narrated by veteran TV journalist Judy Woodruff. Bonus material (DVD only) features extended interview footage. (57 minutes + 45 minutes of bonus material).  Streaming video   

Asia Staking out terror's breeding grounds. 2004.  1 streaming video file (41 min.). Unstable Southeast Asian countries with poorly equipped law enforcement agencies have become havens for terrorism; one example is the rise of the al Qaeda subgroup Jemaah Islamiya, which executed the 2002 Bali bombing. This program underscores the minimal attention that Asia has received in comparison with Middle East counterterrorist operations-and how the disparity negatively affected European and Australian intelligence preceding the Bali attack. The final episode in the Third World War series, this program evokes a sobering picture of al Qaeda's multifaceted nature. Original BBCW broadcast title: Asia-The Breeding Grounds. (41 minutes).  Streaming video

Authority and change. 93.  1 streaming video file (30 min.). What is a fatwa? Who is qualified to issue one? What is the role of traditional scholars in the Muslim world today? Egypt today is a battleground between liberal and radical Muslims, as the secular state and traditional scholars are being challenged by more militant forces. In this program, Sheikh Syed Tautavi, Mufti of Egypt, explores these and other vital questions that underlie current developments in Egypt and elsewhere in the Islamic world. (30 minutes).  Streaming video

Behind Taliban lines. 2010.  1 videodisc (57 min.). In 2009, Afghan journalist Najibullah Quraishi negotiated access to a militant cell in northern Afghanistan with longtime ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban and lived among the group for ten days, providing a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the growing insurgency in Afghanistan.  DVD 7599

Bhutto. 2011.  1 videodisc (111 min.). "A recent Sundance world premiere, Bhutto tells the epic story of one of the most fascinating characters of our time--Benazir Bhutto, the first woman in history to lead a Muslim nation. A favored daughter of the family often called the "Kennedys of Pakistan," Benazir was elected Prime Minister after her father was overthrown and executed by his own military. Her two terms in power saw extreme acts of courage and controversy as she tried to clean up Pakistan's corrupt political culture while quelling the fires of radical Islam that threaten to engulf the region. A fascinating array of archival footage and interviews with family members and leading experts brings life to this tale of Shakespearean dimension in the country the Economist calls the World's most dangerous place."--Container.  HOME USE COLLECTION DVD 8293

Bill Moyers journal Europe and Islam / America and race. 2007.  1 streaming video file (58 min.). In her book Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought, Melissa Harris-Lacewell studies various ways that racial and political issues are discussed in America. Bill Moyers talks with the Princeton University associate professor about the need for constructive public dialog as the racial makeup of the United States evolves. Also on the program are Harper's Magazine publisher John R. MacArthur, author of The Selling of Free Trade: NAFTA, Washington, and the Subversion of American Democracy, and writer Bruce Bawer-who left the U.S. to escape religious fundamentalism and homophobic bigotry-on what his journey says about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Europe. Broadcast date: May 18, 2007. (58 minutes).  Streaming video

Bill Moyers on faith & reason Salman Rushdie. 2006.  1 streaming video file (57 min.). Painfully familiar with the clash of personal and religious expression, Salman Rushdie can now be seen as a literary sentinel regarding the rise of Islamic extremism. In this program, Bill Moyers talks with the author of Shame, The Satanic Verses, and Shalimar the Clown about the impact of 9/11, about tension between moderate and radical Islam, and about the need to hold the line on fundamentalism even when it leads to personal risk. A reading by Rushdie from The Satanic Verses is also included. (57 minutes).  Streaming video

Bloody cartoons Freedom of expression & the clash of cultures. 2008.  Why democracy?  1 videodisc (52 min.). "In 2005, a handful of Danish cartoons sparked a worldwide debate over freedom of expression--and the freedom to express religious outrage. Was a violent Islamic backlash against caricatures of the prophet Mohammed justified? Can democracy and fundamentalism coexist in the global community? This program travels to Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Qatar, and Turkey, as well as to France and Denmark, in search of answers. Viewers will encounter a wide array of perspectives from influential figures, such as Raed Hlayhel,  the Danish Imam who moved to Lebanon to spearhead protests; Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, the al-Jazeera Islamic televangelist who called for a 'day of anger' against the cartoons; and leading staff members of newspapers that published them."--Container.  DVD 5700

The brotherhood. 2007.  1 videodisc (60 min.). The Muslim Brotherhood is a secretive, international movement dedicated to the spread of a fundamental version of Islam throughout the world.  DVD 3031

The cult of the suicide bomber. 2006.  1 videodisc (96 min.). Former CIA agent and terrorism expert Robert Baer tracks the history of suicide bombers from their origin in the Iran-Iraq war to their growing predominance in the post-9/11 world.  DVD 2241

The enemy within. 2006.  1 videodisc (60 min.). Soon after 9/11, an FBI informant made an alarming claim: Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had visited the town of Lodi, Calif. in the late 1990s and attended a mosque there. Moreover, two Pakistani imams preaching at the mosque came from a conservative Islamic school, or madrassa, linked to the former Taliban regime in Afghanistan. According to McGregor Scott, the U.S. attorney who led the federal anti-terror investigation, this was "an attempt by a group of radical Islamic religious figures to come to this country and ... establish a madrassa to serve as a recruiting ground."  However, a deeper look at the evidence creates uncertainty about what kind of threat actually did exist in Lodi and provides a case study of America's response to the threat of domestic terrorism. In "The Enemy Within, " FRONTLINE and New York Times reporter Lowell Bergman examines the Lodi case and interviews FBI and Homeland Security officials to assess U.S. anti-terror efforts.  DVD 3152

Europe's 9/11. 2007.  1 videodisc (60 min.). Explores the struggles for balance in the Islamic world, the bombings in Madrid Spain, Al Qaeda cell activities in Milan Italy, and the Van Gogh murder in the Netherlands.  DVD 3026

Ever again. 2007.  The Simon Wiesenthal Center collection.  1 videodisc (74 min.). Examines the resurgence of violent anti-Semitism in Europe and its connection to international terrorism currently threatening the entire world. Exposes the dangerous Islamic extremism and culture of death being preached from mosques of Europe's major cities and the new neo Nazism spreading from Germany across the continent. It documents the anti-Semitic roots of recent terrorist attacks in Madrid and London which left hundreds dead and thousands wounded. It examines the shift from the traditional anti-Semitism of the right to the new anti-Semitism of the extreme left. HOME USE COLLECTION DVD 5777

Examining Islam. 2006.  1 streaming video file (74 min.). With the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States, Americans have become deeply concerned about all things Muslim. This compilation of recent NewsHour segments sheds light on issues ranging from Islamist extremism to Islamic religious observance in order to open-mindedly address Islam-related issues. Episodes include... Observing Islam: Ray Suarez and three Islamic scholars examine Islamic practices and discuss the religion's future as the first Ramadan after 9/11 begins. Conversation-Fatina Shaker: Elizabeth Farnsworth talks with Saudi sociologist Fatina Shaker about life as a woman in Saudi Arabia, the overall complexity of Saudi society, and Saudi denunciation of Islamic extremism and the 9/11 hijackers. Bridging Two Worlds-Orhan Pamuk: Elizabeth Farnsworth interviews Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk, author of My Name Is Red, about the cultural split between Islam and secularism in Turkey.Dialogue-In the Name of Islam: Ray Suarez leads a discussion about the relationship between Islam and people who perpetrate terrorist attacks in the name of Islam. � Ø Sacred Images-Religious Symbolism: In the wake of the rioting that followed the publication of controversial cartoon images of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper, Ray Suarez is joined by two religious scholars to come to grips with the use of religious imagery in the media. (74 minutes).  Streaming video

Forbidden lie$. 2007?  1 videodisc (104 mins.). In July 2004, Norma Khouri, best-selling author of "Forbidden love", was exposed as a fake. She'd won fame and fortune as a Jordanian virgin on the run from Islamic extremists who'd put a Fatwah on her head for her campaign against honour killings. But she was really Norma Bagain, a Chicago real estate agent and mother of two, on the run from the FBI for one million dollars of fraud. Spinning murder, politics, greed and literary scandal into a web that ensnares us all, this film is a real-life thriller about a brilliant con/artist, the people she's duped, and why, despite everything, we still want to believe her.  DVD 5958

Frontline world stories from a small planet May 9, 2006. 2006.  1 videodisc (60 min.). Frontline/World reporter Kate Seelye travels across the occupied Palestinian territories to get inside the mindset of Hamas. In a journey across Gaza and the West Bank, Seelye, a veteran Mideast reporter, gains special access to Hamas, talking with jailed leaders, party strategists, and militant hard liners to uncover how this Islamist party rose to power and whether it will restrain its terrorist wing.  DVD 3158

Fundamentalist fervor. 2010.  1 streaming video file (26 min.). Religious fundamentalism underpins some of the world's most intractable political problems as members of fundamentalist groups seek to influence both domestic and international policy. After identifying general hallmarks of fundamentalist belief, this program places fundamentalist movements within the Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and Hindu religions into their cultural and historical contexts. Movements that are examined include the dispensationalist organization Christians United for Israel, the Jewish haredim, the Jewish settler group Gush Emunim, Hamas, and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a key component of the Hindu Saffron Brigade.Some content may be objectionable. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. A part of the series Global Issues. (26 minutes).  Streaming video

Global jihad. 2004.  1 streaming video file (22 min.). To better understand the forces behind Islamic terrorism, students need to look beyond the Middle East. This ABC News program examines the rise of al Qaeda-style fundamentalism in Southeast Asia, the institutions that support it, and the threats to America that it represents. Investigating the organization known as Jemaah Islamiyah-and an Indonesian boarding school that is, essentially, the group's West Point-the video sorts through one of the most troubling paradoxes of the war on terror: how militant Islam appears to be supported by a unified global network while regional and national groups carry out their own, independent brands of jihad. (22 minutes).  Streaming video

Greetings from Grozny Inside the Chechen conflict. 2002.  1 streaming video file (57 min.). Chechnya's war of independence has raged for years, but Americans rarely see the human face of the conflict. This Wide Angle report illuminates the ruined-yet still inhabited-cityscape of Grozny and its surrounding countryside, sifting through both Russian and Chechen perspectives on the ongoing clash. The program depicts Russian troops conducting cleansing missions through a rural Chechen village, visits a barely functioning university in the heart of the city, reveals life in a refugee tent city, and goes inside an active unit of Islamic Chechen fighters. Webs of special interest woven by the United States, Wahabist Muslims, and neighboring Georgia are also examined. In addition, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal talks with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Ambassador Steven Pifer. (57 minutes).  Streaming video

Hamas The untold story. 2008.  1 streaming video file (49 min.). Produced with unprecedented access to Hamas and its operations, this program takes viewers inside Gaza's Islamic fundamentalist government in the months following its civil war against Fatah. The film observes Hamas leaders as they struggle to shape policy and follows a former militant who now heads up an Executive Force police unit-carrying out orders he doesn't agree with. Archival footage and interviews from earlier years are also included, creating a historical context in which the emergence of Hamas, as well as the problems of governance it now faces, can be examined and discussed. Fatah's ongoing control over Hamas finances is one of the many topics analyzed. (49 minutes).  Streaming video

In the name of God Holy word, holy war. 2002.  1 streaming video file (49 min.). By detailing key incidents ranging from the Dawson's Field hijackings to the Luxor massacre, this program charts the ever-widening holy war that is pitting Islamists against Zionists and the Arab world against the West. The Kach Party's Noam Federman; Bassam abu Sharif, founder of the Palestine Democratic Party; Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, operational and spiritual leaders of Hamas; Sheikh Jamal Khatab and Sheikh Fadlallah, spiritual leaders of Lebanese al Qaeda and Hezbollah; former Jewish Underground leader Yehuda Etzion; and former PFLP hijacker Leila Khaled are featured, as are former prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and Conor Gearty, expert in human rights law. (47 minutes).  Streaming video

Inside the closed kingdom Saudi Arabia. 2006.  Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (23 min.). It has become apparent over the past few years that an increasingly destabilized Saudi Arabia is more willing to listen to Islamic fundamentalists and to bankroll the Al-Qaeda terrorist network in a holy war against the West. This troubling film includes an interview with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah ibn Abdul-aziz al-Saud who is effectively the country's ruler. He states that he is unaware of any Saudi funds going to terrorist groups. American attorneys working for the families of victims from September 11, 2001claim otherwise. One attorney, Allan Gerson, is suing Saudi charities, banks and members of the royal family for $2 trillion for allegedly financing the September 11 attacks. He claims to have evidence that money went from Saudi charities, via terrorist cells in Europe, to the Jema ah Islamiah group in Southeast Asia for the Bali bombing, and that they were the same people who funded the Twin Towers attack This film obtained rare access to the "closed kingdom," where we see a country full of frustrated young people - sixty percent under the age of 25 - who are increasingly alienated, both by some in the royal family and perceived American aggression against Muslim countries.  Streaming video;1645974

Intifada NYC The Khalil Gibran Academy and post-9/11 politics. 2009.  1 streaming video file (46 min.). In 2007, the first Arabic language public school in the U.S. opened in New York City, generating a tidal wave of controversy. This program follows the Khalil Gibran International Academy's turbulent beginnings; the political firestorm that culminated in the resignation of Debbie Almontaser, the academy's founding principal; and Almontaser's legal battle to get her job back. The compelling narrative combines news clips, interviews with key players in the controversy, and graphic novel-style drawings for added visual interest-shedding light on important First Amendment concepts as well as the Stop the Madrassacampaign that accused the school of harboring Islamist influences. Contains harsh language. (46 minutes).  Streaming video

Islam and democracy.  1997.  Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (58 min.). With fundamentalism sweeping the Islamic world, is there a chance for a moderate, democratic voice to be heard? This disturbing film captures the intensity of Islamic fundamentalists and the willingness of extremists to eliminate anyone with an opposing point of view. While not all fundamentalists call for violence, less militant groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood are intransigent in their ultimate aim of eliminating minorities, establishing theocracies in the Middle East, and overthrowing Israel. The filmmaker obtained a rare interview with Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman before the World Trade Center bombing. In it, the Sheik applauds the assassination of Farag Foda, a spokesman for Egyptian democracy, who was gunned down shortly after he was interviewed in this film. The Sheik also calls for the "extermination" of Mubarak s regime. Candid interviews with Arab leaders, including President Mubarak of Egypt and King Hussein of Jordan, acknowledge the difficulties of having a Western style democracy in countries where so many are illiterate and impoverished. In addition, a strict adherence to the Koran precludes such democratic principles as minority and women s rights. American Congressman Lee Hamilton, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Edward P. Djerejian and others offer a broader perspective to one of the world s most explosive issues.  Streaming video;1646862

Islam and war. 93.  1 streaming video file (30 min.). Seen as the spiritual head of the Hezbollah, Sayed Fadlallah-a leading political figure in the Lebanese Islamic Movement-gives his views of Jihad or Holy War, its rules, its origins, and the role of terror in such a war. The program also examines how Muslim thinkers see the role of war and violence in the contemporary world, and why some feel the need to wage a Holy War. (30 minutes).  Streaming video

Islam behind bars. 2007.  Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (47 min.). No religion is growing faster in Western prisons than Islam. In the United States alone, there are more than 200,000 Muslim inmates. They are mainly black converts searching for an alternative to Christianity, which many reject as the slave-master's faith. Islam Behind Bars takes an unflinching look at the disruptive power of poisonous religious demagoguery, but also leaves the viewer with a better understanding of an intriguing new fact of the black experience in the West. The prisoners follow a path first made famous by Malcolm X, who went to jail for pimping and petty theft and came out a fiery Muslim preacher. He had discovered a strict religion which could bring discipline and dignity to men whose lives had been devastated by violence and drugs. In the aftermath of September 11th, authorities fear that terrorist organizations may recruit Muslim prison converts to attack the West. Richard Reid, the "shoe bomber" was probably recruited while in a British prison. The film shows that there are some imprisoned Muslims who find peace and a respect for all of God's creations in their new faith, and others who direct their anger at the West.  Streaming video;1641318

Islam vs. Islamists Muslims against jihad. 2008.  2 videodiscs (105 min.). Tells the stories of courageous anti-Islamist Muslims in Western Europe, Canada, and the United States, and the challenges they face for their ideas. Offers insight into the dangers that both they and non-Muslims are facing.  DVD 6069

Islamic Resurgence and holy war The former Soviet Union and Indonesia. 99.  1 streaming video file (53 min.). Over the last decade, Islam has swiftly grown in popularity-so much so that today one in every five people on Earth is a follower of Muhammad. But with this resurgence has come an increase in friction between Muslims and non-Muslims. Segment one of this program focuses on four divinity school students from Tatarstan who dropped out to join the jihad in Chechnya, while segment two tracks the efforts of President Abdurrahman Wahid to make peace between rioting Muslims and Christians on the Indonesian island of Ambon. (53 minutes).  Streaming video

The Islamic wave. 2000.  1 streaming video file (50 min.). Rising above the myths and misinformation surrounding Islam, one fact is clear: the Muslim religion is growing as never before. This program surveys the sociopolitical landscape of Islamic hotspots in the Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sudan, and elsewhere. Featuring commentary by General Pervez Musharraf, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, Dr. Hasan al-Turabi, and other key figures, the balanced documentary provides background on the world's second-largest religion, examines Islam's increasing popularity, and considers the use of violence by Muslim extremists to attain their goals. (50 minutes).  Streaming video

Jihad the men and ideas behind al Qaeda. 2007.  1 videodisc (120 min.). Provides an in-depth look at the modern, radical Islamic groups, and the ideas and beliefs that inspire them, along with the challenges they pose for governments in the Middle East and the West. From the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1940s to Islamic organizations today, get an insightful perspectives of Islam from Western and Middle Eastern journalists, U.S. intelligence experts on the frontlines of the fight against al Qaeda, and friends and contemporaries of Sama bin Lden and his lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahiri.  DVD 3021

Jihad TV terrorism and mass media. 2006.  1 streaming video file (48 min.). In al Qaeda's global jihad against the West, videos of smiling suicide bombers and insurgent ambushes have become as important as the attacks they glorify. This program illustrates in chilling detail how Islamic extremists use the power of the Internet and the network sound bite. From the markets of Baghdad, where brightly packaged jihadist DVDs are snapped up by young consumers, to the broadcast studios of Al Arabiya, where editors debate the merits and consequences of airing graphic violence, the program explores the inextricable links between media technology and terrorist agendas. One scene features training footage from the Global Islamic Media Front explaining how to use Windows Movie Maker to craft an effective video. Viewer discretion is advised. (Portions in Arabic with English subtitles, 47 minutes).  Streaming video

Jihad TV terrorism and mass media. 2007.  1 videodisc (46 min.). Illustrates in how Islamic extremists use the power of the Internet and the network sound bite. Examines the effect their messages are having on young people in the Muslim world and on their enemies in the West.  DVD 4726

The journalist and the jihadi the murder of Daniel Pearl. 2007.  1 videodisc (80 min.). Tracks the tragically parallel lives of the British-born jihadi, Omar Sheikh, whose cunning con-game was the cause of the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002.  HOME USE COLLECTION DVD 2476

The living martyr Inside the Hezbollah. 2000.  1 streaming video file (53 min.). For militant followers of Islam, the highest honor is to be dubbed al-shahid al-hai-the living martyr,one who has irrevocably committed himself to dying in a suicide attack against the organization's enemies. Why do boys and young men so readily embrace this ideal? And how do the mothers, sisters, and daughters feel about it and the honor that it confers upon them? Filled with exclusive interviews with Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance fighters and their families as well as chilling footage of suicide mission preparations, this program is a must-see documentary for anyone seeking to understand the political situation in the Middle East and beyond. (53 minutes, color).  Streaming video

Muslim warriors. 2007.  1 videodisc (120 min.). God's Warriors is a three-part CNN documentary produced by Christiane Amanpour in which she compares the rise of religious fundamentalism as a political force in the world. This part presents issues of women's rights under radical Islam and Sharia law.  DVD 3090

The network. 2003.  1 streaming video file (49 min.). Many experts consider the 2001 destruction of al Qaeda's Afghan base and the ongoing need to battle Islamist forces in Afghanistan to be essential components of the war on terror. Other authorities say that searching for a centralized al Qaeda camp matters less and less, and that a new threat has emerged: small, regional terrorist groups loosely allied with al Qaeda and imbued with its ideology. These groups don't wait for specific orders to carry out deadly acts against Western targets, experts warn. This program examines evidence that offshoots and derivatives of al Qaeda are actively rebuilding a terrorist network-recruiting, training, and preparing for more attacks around the world. (49 minutes).  Streaming video

No colors racism and prejudice in modern Europe. 2007.  Crossroads ; inside the European Union.  1 videodisc (26 min.). Program looks at racism and xenophobia brought to the surface by the massive influx of foreign workers and job-seekers into Western Europe. Describes the search for equitable solutions by moderate European Union leaders and citizens. Examines Islamophobia, religious fundamentalism, the radicalization of young Muslim men, and racism in football or soccer.  DVD 3165

NOW with Bill Moyers John Esposito on the struggles of Islam. 2002.  1 streaming video file (23 min.). In this program, Bill Moyers and Georgetown University's John Esposito-author of Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam and editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World-focus on Islam in Asia, where the vast majority of all Muslims live. The conflict within Islamic countries among religious fundamentalists, radical extremists, and the moderate mainstream is considered, along with American geopolitical concerns in the war on global terrorism. Human rights abuses in Indonesia and East Timor, the operation of al Qaeda, and a distinction between holy war and jihad are examined as well. Can we fight terrorism without it becoming a worldwide clash of cultures?asks Moyers. (23 minutes).  Streaming video

NOW with Bill Moyers Zaid Shakir on being Muslim in America. 2002.  1 streaming video file (31 min.). Muslims have lived in the U.S. for centuries. Should the work of Islamist extremists be allowed to undermine their place in American society? This program captures a spirited discussion between Bill Moyers and Imam Zaid Shakir, who details his experiences as both a Muslim and an American in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. In addition, Imam Zaid describes the structure and comprehensiveness of Islam, the compatibility of core Islamic and American values, and the tragic misuse of Islam as justification for terrorism. He also talks about morality in government, the concept of Islamic civilization as contrasted with Islamic statehood, Muslim anger with American foreign policy, and the levels of jihad. (31 minutes).  Streaming video

Our own private Bin Laden-educator's edition. 2005.  1 streaming video file (63 min.). Would the collapse of the Soviet Union have been possible without American sponsorship of Islamic fundamentalism? Did U.S. policies pave the way for 9/11? Does the American media help sustain Osama Bin Laden's popularity? This documentary examines those questions, studying the machinations of key players-the CIA, Bin Laden, Afghani mujahideen and opium traders, Presidents Carter and Reagan, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and others-as the Cold War morphed into the War on Terror. Presenting a wide range of opinions, the program features eye-opening interviews with high-level leaders and renowned political analysts-including Milton Bearden, former CIA station chief in Pakistan; Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan; and scholar and activist Noam Chomsky. Also notable is Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor and architect of the Carter administration's plan to draw the Soviet Union into a Vietnam-style conflict in Afghanistan. Contains extensive bonus interview material (DVD only). (63 minutes + 102 minutes of bonus material).  Streaming video

The power of nightmares the rise of the politics of fear. 2006?  1 videodisc (180 min.). Explores the origins of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East, and neoconservatism in America, the parallels between these movements, and their effect on the world today. It also looks at the use of these movements by the other to manipulate public opinion.  DVD 2347

Promised paradise. 2007.  1 videodisc (52 min.). "How can one believe that terrorism leads to heaven? Banned by the Indonesian government, this provocative documentary examines the psychology of extremism in a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Promised Paradise, a new film from renowned documentary filmmaker Leonard Retel Helmrich, made international news earlier this year when Indonesian authorities suddenly banned it from screening at the Jakarta International Film Festival. The film follows a traditional Indonesian puppeteer and troubadour, the dynamic Agus Nur Amal, as he attempts to track down the terrorists who masterminded the 2002 Bali bombings (both living and dead). During the course of his journey, he exposes the atmosphere of intolerance and confusion that pervades his country..." -- DVD sleeve.  DVD 4725

Return of the Taliban. 2006.  1 videodisc (60 min.). " ... the lawless Pakistani tribal areas along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border ... reveals how the area has fallen under the control of a resurgent Taliban militia ... a launching pad for attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan ... the Taliban has claimed ... North and South Waziristan as Taliban republics ... off limits to U.S. troops ... Frontline investigates a secret front in the war on terror."--Container.  DVD 3151

The rock star and the mullahs Cultural tensions within Pakistan. 2003.  1 streaming video file (57 min.). Salman Ahmad, charismatic lead guitarist for the Pakistani rock group Junoon, has publicly advocated peace with India. Ahmad is also UNAIDS Special Representative. But a coalition of fundamentalist Islamic parties has made unexpected gains in Pakistani elections-evoking contrasts between liberals like Ahmad and hardliner mullahs who want to ban music. This Wide Angle report follows the artist as he journeys to the tolerant, ancient city of Lahore and the fundamentalist stronghold of Peshawar, revealing religious and political conflicts within the nuclear-armed Islamic republic. From this trip emerges a rich portrait of modern-day Pakistan, a pivotal nation in the war against terror. In addition, anchor Mishal Husain interviews Christina Rocca, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia. (57 minutes).  Streaming video

Salman Rushdie between the devil and the deep blue sea. 98.  Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (43 min.). This eloquent film on Salman Rushdie brings into sharp focus the conflict between freedom of expression and religious conservatism. The film opens with a short reading by Rushdie in his richly modulated voice from Haroun and the Sea, a book he wrote for his son a year after after he went into hiding. The film goes on to show the bookburnings and protests that Satanic Verses provoked thoughout Moslem communities all over the world, but most shockingly in Bradford, England.  Bradford is the Islamic capital of England. There are forty mosques and many Koranic schools. Many of its inhabitants support the fatwa of Ayotollah Komeini and express their disgust at the book. Rushdie reminds us that books do not injure people; one can always close a book if it offends. In response to being labeled blasphemous, he says "this is a crude, fascist term to shut people up." At a conference on censorship, secrecy and democracy, author Gunther Grass says "no one should claim a monopoly on the truth".  Streaming video;1646904

Somali warlords Strongmen in a fragile nation. 2008.  1 streaming video file (27 min.). Propelling their famine-wracked country into a downward spiral, power-hungry Somali leaders fought each other-until a new enemy, the United States, threatened their hold on precious food aid. This program examines the rise of the Somali warlords, primarily Mohamed Farrah Aidid, and the conflict that erupted between his followers and American military forces in 1993. Viewers will learn how mass starvation in the Horn of Africa prompted a UN and subsequent U.S. presence in Somalia, and how local, clan-based militias openly defied foreign intervention. Recounting the Battle of Mogadishu, infamous for its anti-American atrocities, the film also explores Islamist influences in Africa's stateless society.Distributed under license from BBC Worldwide. (27 minutes).  Streaming video

Somalia The neglected civil war. 2002.  Africa in the 21st Century: Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (49 min.). Independent since 1960, Somalia has seen virtually constant political upheaval. Chaos still reigns in the capital, Mogadishu, and throughout Somalia. Some eighty percent of the nation is under the power of guerrillas and local warlords. Taking advantage of the chaos, Islamic fundamentalist groups such as al Qaeda frequently infiltrate. Suspected to be the main financial source for al Qaeda, all assets in the al Barakaat bank, the country's main bank, were frozen and remittances from workers abroad to their families at home were stopped, which aggravated the confusion and deepened poverty in the nation. Finally, Somalia has become a target in the post-Afghanistan "war" against terrorism.  Streaming video;1652670

Struggle for the soul of Islam inside Indonesia. 2007.  1 videodisc (60 min.). An inside look at how a fledgling democracy is struggling to control the rise of religious extremism.  DVD 3029

Suicide bombers Inside the minds of failed martyrs. 2004.  1 streaming video file (57 min.). In a series of powerful and revealing interviews from inside Israeli prisons, this Wide Angle documentary examines the motives of Palestinian suicide bombers. A recruiter, a bomb builder, and three failed suicide bombers captured by Israeli security forces speak openly of their training, motivation, operational methodology, and profound belief in the idea of entering paradise as a shahid-a martyr for Islam. They discuss their hatred of Jews and Israel, their determination to die, and the personal motivations that have influenced them-including a failed love, a sense of personal revenge, the frustration of living under Israeli occupation, and envy for the prosperous Israeli lifestyle. In addition, Sari Nusseibeh, president of Al-Quds University, speaks with anchor Mishal Husain. (57 minutes).  Streaming video

The Taliban legacy. 2001.  Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (36 min.). This film brings to light the havoc created by the Taliban regime in Afghanistan where two million Afghans have fled their country, taking refuge in Pakistan. It shows the suffering of the people under Taliban rule, especially the Taliban s brutality towards their political opponents, their harsh treatment of women and their destruction of the ancient Buddha statues, actions condemned by the entire world. Included is a brief account of the war leading to the Taliban victory over the weak Islamic Republic. Of the two million Afghans now in Pakistan, one million live in refugee camps and another million are dispersed throughout that country. Representatives of the United Nations have been trying to improve the inhumane conditions in these camps but even U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan was forbidden from inspecting one of them as the situation is so bleak. Pakistan has refused to ameliorate the situation, insisting the refugees return to Afghanistan. Chaos has erupted on the border as hundreds of desperate Afghans try to cross the border every day.  Streaming video;1652622

Targeting terror. 2010.  1 streaming video file (29 min.). The war on terror requires greater cooperation among countries and a deeper understanding of terrorism's causes and manifestations. This program spotlights five nations caught in the crosshairs to examine regional history, terror-related issues, and counterterrorism actions: the U.S., post-9/11, where captured international terrorists have been handled by military rather than civilian courts; the U.K., where fighting the IRA has ultimately conferred little advantage to the country in its battle against the Islamic extremists in its midst; Germany and Japan, whose counterterrorism efforts are constitutionally constrained by their history as aggressors in World War II; and Colombia, a land of narcoterrorism where extradition to America has been the government's key anti-terror weapon. Some content may be objectionable. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. A part of the series Global Issues. (29 minutes).  Streaming video

Witness to hate Reporting on al Qaeda. 2005.  1 streaming video file (22 min.). As Islamist extremists pumped bullets into BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner, he looked into their faces and...saw pure hatred, ruthless hatred.Fluent in Arabic, respectful toward Islam, and very at home in Saudi Arabia, Gardner had been reporting on al Qaeda activity when he and his cameraman were gunned down. In this ABC News program, Gardner recounts with quiet courage the events of that terrible day and the challenges he has faced along the road to partial recovery. For insights into anti-Western feelings in the Middle East and a vivid first-person account of reporting the war on terror, this video is not to be missed. (22 minutes).  Streaming video

The Yemen option. 2004.  Filmakers library online.  1 online resource (35 min.). Yemen's strategic location at the crossroads of the Middle East has made it a haven for Islamic terrorists. Today it has become a clandestine battlefield critical to Washington's success in its "war on terror". After the overthrow of Afghanistan's Taliban regime in 2001, there were fears that Osama bin Laden would transform Yemen into his new base. It is the ancestral homeland of the bin Laden family and Al Qaeda's ranks were already full of Yemenis. More importantly, large sections of the country were outside the effective control of the government, ruled by heavily armed tribes sympathetic to Islamic extremists. For over three years a deadly yet largely unreported struggle has played out across the country, from arrests and assassinations on the ancient stone streets of Sana, the capital, to a planned missile strike in the desert by the CIA. Yemen s government has found a middle path between Washington s demand to seek out and destroy Al Qaeda, and the views of many Yemenis who are sympathetic to its ideals. It is called the "Yemen Option". The government denies terrorists the tools of their deadly trade, buying back weapons on the black market, no questions asked. We meet a captured member of Al Qaeda, a star recruit in the Yemen government s controversial rehabilitation program to release Al Qaeda members who renounce the movement. Despite American concerns, the "Yemen Option" appears to be working. Much time has now passed since the last major attack by Al Qaeda in Yemen, an extraordinary turnaround.  Streaming video;1650514