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"Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes but they all serve as a gathering point for tools, projects, mentors and expertise. A collection of tools does not define a Makerspace. Rather we define it by what it enables: a community of making."

The library's Makerspace is a place where people with similar interests can come together to work on projects while sharing ideas and knowledge. It facilitates the construction of knowledge through the manipulation and creation of material objects. The space is well-equipped with many different tools, materials, and information resources so patrons feel comfortable working on projects independently or in groups within the space that fall under three workbenches.

  • 3D Creation (3D Printer, Carvey)
  • Digital Production (Poster Printing: Large Format Printer and Circuits: Raspberry Pi and E-textiles)
  • Craft Fabrication (Manual/Power Tools: Hammer, Screwdriver, Wrench, Plier, Power drill, Dremel kit, Sander; Sewing: Sewing machine, dress form; and Handcrafting: Soldering iron, Hot glue gun. Embroidery, Paper crafts, Carving tools)

Using the Makerspace

The Makerspace may only be used by current AU students, faculty and staff. First time visitors will be asked to take a short orientation online, including signing a Liability Waiver. Individual workbenches may require additional orientations or waivers before use. Staff is available to answer questions and assist in explaining operations of tools and equipment as time allows.

The Makerspace may be used only for lawful purposes. No one will be permitted to use the library's Makerspace to create material that is:

  • Prohibited by local, state or federal law
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others. (Such use may violate the terms of use of the manufacturer)
  • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the library environment.
  • In violation of another's intellectual property rights. For example, the printer will not be used to reproduce material subject to copyright, patent or trademark protection.

Those working on projects inside the Makerspace are required to adhere to proper safety guidelines:

  • Appropriate clothing must be worn in the Makerspace.
  • All safety gear must be worn as appropriate and will be provided by staff.
  • Certain tools may require hair and any dangling items, like jewelry, to be secured or covered before use.
  • Please report any unsafe behavior or problems with equipment to the staff immediately.