Transfering citations from EndNote to Mendeley is relatively straightforward.
- This will only transfer citation information (title, author, etc.). It will NOT transfer any full text files such as PDFs, or any annotations.
- There may be mis-transferred information, so check your citations for accuracy once they have been transferred. This is particularly applicable for non-standard citation types, such as a government report or website.
To transfer:
1) Export your EndNote library (or any subsection of your library that you'd like to transfer)
To Export, open EndNote Desktop. If you only want to transfer some of the citations in your library, select the folder and/or citations you'd like to transfer. Then go to File, Export as shown below.
Select a name and computer location. MAKE SURE TO SELECT XML as the Export file type. The citation style doesn't matter!
2) Import references into Mendeley
Open your Mendeley Desktop program. (haven't installed yet? Go to to get started!)
Go to File, Import, then "EndNote XML". From here, select the XML file saved in Step 1 (as shown below), and your citations will begin uploading into your Mendeley library. You can also save them directly to a Mendeley folder by opening that folder prior to beginning the import.