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Information about and tools for using OpenAthens for authorization.

OpenAthens at AU

Starting July 11, 2022, OpenAthens is replaced EZproxy for authorization off the secure campus network.

Current students, faculty, staff, and alumni should not notice a difference when accessing resources from off campus. You will still be presented with one of the familiar university-branded AU Sign In or Login pages.

On-site visitors who are not current AU students, faculty, or staff will be directed to a specific page and given OpenAthens login credentials to authenticate.

You may be required to accept terms and conditions the first time you access a resource with this authorization method.

About OpenAthens

American University Library is using OpenAthens only for authorization. (OpenAthens offers other services, including identity management and a user portal with a resource list like the LibGuides A to Z List.)

For known issues affecting provider platforms, see OpenAthens resource status page

For operating status, see OpenAthens' system status page

For general information, see OpenAthens' homepage