The Antiracist Praxis subject guide was written by the Writing Studies/Information Literacy committee, which is a joint committee between the Writing Studies Program and the Library. The purpose of the Antiracist Praxis subject guide is to make available for the entire American University community the main ideas, key terms, and definitions within the scholarship that informs antiracist practice, particularly as they relate to composition pedagogy and library and information science. The committee obtained an Inclusive Excellence Collaboration mini-grant in 2019-2020 through the President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion to do this work. The committee also received an American Library Association Carnegie Whitney Grant to add additional sections to the guide in 2022. This Antiracist Praxis subject guide will be an ongoing collaboration between the Writing Studies/Information Literacy committee.
Contributors to the Antiracist Praxis subject guide:
Sarah Trembath (co-chair), Writing Studies Program
Hannah Lee Park (former co-chair), Library
Maddox Pennington (former co-chair), Writing Studies Program
Christina Bush (former co-chair), Library
Marnie Twigg (former co-chair), Writing Studies Program
Rachel Borchardt, Library
Symphony Bruce, Library
Zainab Cheema, Writing Studies Program
Nikhat Ghouse, Library
Jay Hardee, Writing Studies Program
Olivia Ivey, Library
Derrick Jefferson, Library
George Koors, Library and Writing Studies Program
Susan Mockler, Writing Studies Program
Special thanks to Katie Hut, Reference Librarian and co-chair, for her help in formatting the citations in the guide.
Supported by a Carnegie Whitney Grant from the American Library Association.