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Streaming Video Guides

Use this guide to find streaming alternatives to Media Services DVDs.

Environmental Studies

Titles Available as of July 2022

This is a selective list of streaming video holdings in the American University Library. Streaming guides are created by doing multiple keyword searches in the library catalog to capture as many titles on a topic as possible. For complete up-to-date streaming holdings, please refer to our streaming catalog.



A Working Group of international scientists is deciding whether to declare a new geological epoch--the Anthropocene--a planet shaped more by mankind than nature. Its members tell the story of the Anthropocene and argue whether it's a tragedy, a comedy, or something more surreal. With archival footage, award-winning stills and interviews, Anthropocene proposes a common secular narrative for mankind but leaves viewers to decide how we should write the ending. The film has the blessing of Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, who coined the term, and is the first feature film about the Anthropocene. It is now our turn to decide--in this decade--how the Anthropocene will end.  

Before the Flood

How much time do we have before our ecosystem collapses? Fronted by Academy Award®-winning actor, environmental activist and UN Messenger of Peace, Leonard DiCaprio, this landmark new film presents an informative and engaging account of how society can prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems and native communities across the globe. 

The Bells of Chernobyl

This fast paced and chilling story of the Chernobyl disaster, pieced together from eyewitness accounts and historic film footage, shows a cover up of epic proportions. April 26, 1986 marked the day of no return for the residents of Pripyat, just north of Kiev. It was here that Units 3 and 4 of the nuclear reactor of Chernobyl exploded, spewing radiation as far as Scandinavia and Japan. It was here that the dangers were kept from the residents, who witnessed "outsiders in strange suits" with geiger counters come to "clean up" the plant. It was days before the government decided to evacuate the population, telling the residents they would return shortly. 

The Bullish Farmer 

Once a successful Wall Street banker, John Ubaldo quit his career after the loss of a personal friend in the 9/11 attacks and purchased 185 acres of land in order to pursue a bigger dream. A dream that involves living an uncomplicated, traditional, agrarian life where he raises livestock and crops. But his dreams get complicated when he comes up against Big Ag. In the face of this ever-growing monolith, John soon realizes that his preferred method of farming is not in sync with today's prevailing agricultural practices. John takes to his blog to become an outspoken activist who lobbies for GMO labeling, animal rights, the preservation of crop diversity, and the reduction of chemical fertilizers to help preserve small farms. John and his fellow small-scale farmers take their fight directly to the corporations that threaten to wipe out small, sustainable farms like theirs.


This documentary takes a hard look at the latest false solution to climate change: woody biomass. It tells the story of how biomass has become the alternative-energy savior for the power-generation industry. The film is a visceral account of the accelerating destruction of our forests for fuel. 

Chasing Ice

Chronicles the efforts of nature photographer James Balog to document the receding of the Solheim glacier in Iceland, a consequence of climate change and global warming, in which strategically placed cameras would take one picture every hour for three years.

Chelyabinsk: The Most Contaminated Spot on the Planet 

The whole world was horrified by the Chernobyl disaster, especially as it threatened to contaminate Europe. In the backwoods of Russia, however, there is a city with an atomic weapons complex which has endured no less than three nuclear disasters in the last forty-five years. In 1957, there was an explosion of the cooling system. Ten years later, a storm spread radioactive dust. For six years, the complex systematically dumped radioactive waste into the only river that supplied water for twenty-four villages. Until now Chelyabinsk has been shrouded in secrecy. In 1992 when the area was opened up to foreigners, the filmmaker began recording the details of ordinary life in this deadly environment. A kitchen Geiger counter is necessary to guard against radiation in food. The countryside looks deceptively beautiful, but the Techa River, which beckons to children on warm summer days, is contaminated. Life expectancy is between fifty and fifty-five years and ninety percent of the children suffer from chronic illnesses.

The Cleantech Future: Industries for a Healthy Planet

Is it realistic or fanciful to look forward to a clean world? A world in which energy is 100 percent renewable, water is no longer polluted, transportation is truly green, and production methods are harmless to the environment? According to the "clean technology" school of thought, there will be such a world. This film explores the fascinating possibilities of a new industrial revolution promised by cleantech entrepreneurship and corporate practices. While not every scientist or economist sees them as inevitable, these possibilities include eco-friendly mobility powered by sustainable energy, clean drinking water for all thanks to nanotechnology, textile dyes that use recycled carbon dioxide, and more. Is all of this feasible? Could it be happening successfully even now? Commentary from Nick Parker, cofounder of the Cleantech Group, offers answers to those questions and outlines what our world might be like in the decades to come.

Dear Governor Cuomo

A cross between The Last Waltz and An Inconvenient Truth, Dear Governor Cuomo captures a concert organized on the doorstep of the New York state governor to protest the lifting of a four-year moratorium against hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The event brought together scientists, musicians, activists and actors in a scripted night onstage inviting the governor to join the anti-fracking majority in his home state. The film that resulted – written and directed by Jon Bowermaster, with musical direction by Natalie Merchant and featuring Mark Ruffalo, Melissa Leo, Joan Osborne, Citizen Cope, Medeski Martin and Wood and many more – is equal parts message and music. 

Divide in Concord

Feature-length documentary that follows the entertaining tale of banning bottle water in small town America. Jean Hill has been trying to rid the town of single-serve plastic bottles of water. Complete with strong opposition from local merchants and the bottled water industry, Jean is once again leading the controversial crusade. 

An Ecology of Hope: A Film About the Life and Work of Pierre Dansereau

While the environment may be threatened by man, it will also be saved by man. So believes Pierre Dansereau, ecologist, visionary and inveterate optimist. Brimming with an amazing vitality at age 90, the internationally renowned scientist has a wide-ranging knowledge and a passionate commitment to humanity. In retracing the highlights of his long and fruitful life, the film takes us from Baffin Island to New York City, from the Gaspé Peninsula to Brazil. At each stop on this mini world tour, we witness landscapes of breathtaking beauty. All things are interrelated and the harmony of the whole is essential to our very survival. 

Evolution of Organic: The Story of the Organic Movement 

The story of organic agriculture, told by those who built the movement. 

A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for a Living Planet

Divided into five "acts", the film is an exploration of the environmental movement--grassroots and global activism--spanning fifty years from conservation to climate change.

Fighting for the Right to a Healthy Environment

This episode of The Green Interview features Ron Plain and Ada Lockridge, two members of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, a native community in the heart of Ontario's notorious "Chemical Valley," who have launched a lawsuit to prove that Canadians have constitutional rights to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment. According to the World Health Organization, the area has the worst air quality in Canada-pumping out more air pollution than the entire provinces of Manitoba or Saskatchewan or New Brunswick. Aided by the environmental law organization Ecojustice, the pair is arguing that their Charter rights to life, liberty and security of the person-and equality-are being violated by the Ontario government's permission for the expansion of these toxic industries.

Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie

Canadian scientist, activist, educator, and broadcaster David Suzuki relates his ideas formed by social, scientific, cultural, and political events of the past 70 years. Incorporates a filming of his Last Lecture, which he describes as "a distillation of my life and thoughts, my legacy, what I want to say before I die." 

Flood Control

The lowland basis around Los Angeles contains the most extensive water conservation  and flood control system in the world. In 1917, work began on a system of dams and improved channels to control the floodwaters entering the basin. This program looks at the way this system was built and the problems entailed in its design and construction. 

Footprints of War

Footprints of War explores two antagonistic logics: one of strength and conflict versus the logic of life and balance. Beyond the physical scars let on a landscape, our planet is confronted by serious side effects of modern warfare that are more than just expensive to clean up. What does a war mean to our ecosystem and how is the global eco-balance affected? Can a modern war be eco-friendly? What does it mean when a military machinery is put into motion, what resources are needed and how much are used? This documentary looks back at our world's history, starting with the battlefields of World War I as one of the birthplaces of modern ecocide. 

The Future of Energy

This film journeys across America to shine a light on the communities and individuals who are at the forefront of the clean energy revolution, taking practical steps to transition from fossil fuels to renewable power...Solar, wind and water could power the planet by the year 2050, according to experts in the film, substantially reducing carbon emissions. What's needed is the social and political willpower to make the change on a large scale...Two model towns are highlighted for their exemplary steps towards clean energy: Greensburg, Kansas, and Lancaster, California...After a devastating tornado in 2007, the town of Greensburg decided to rebuild and "go green"with 100% renewables, harnessing the very energy that destroyed them by building wind turbines. A local politician admits that many residents were skeptical at first, but soon realized "It's common sense."..The city of Lancaster set a goal to become the nation's first "net zero"community, and now runs on solar power with panels installed on practically every rooftop available and even new structures. The mayor notes the economics of renewables are a "no-brainer" as they've offset many energy costs...The film also highlights the broader citizen movements for clean energy, showcasing especially how the youth of today are helping to lead the change...The Future of Energy illustrates that renewable power on a large scale is not just a dream, but rather a viable option already being implemented by many communities, cities and businesses. The examples and solutions highlighted are designed to inspire others to consider adopting clean, renewable power as a smart choice with substantial economic, public health and environmental benefits. .

Gasland Part 2

In Gasland Part II, Josh Fox employs his trademark humor to pick up where Gasland left off, and show how the stakes have been raised on all sides. Among other things, the film features the industry's response to Gasland, the filmmakers rebuttal, and the ensuing publicity storm; Fox being branded a terrorist by the Pennsylvania office of homeland security; an update on characters from the first film as well as new people dealing with flammable groundwater, including owners of a multi-million dollar house in Dallas.

Green Planet Episode One: Forest in Peril

How much time do we have left to find permanent solutions to the problems this world faces: rising ocean-levels, rising populations, rising levels of CO2, rising temperatures? And all shortly to be followed by shortages: a shortage of food, a shortage of fresh water, and above all perhaps, a shortage of space for all the species on our planet to live side by side in peace and harmony

Green Planet Episode Two: Striking the Right Balance

The crisis of our planet has been coming for a very long time. The diversity of life and the infinite variety of species on our planet are threatened by the growing numbers of people and the numerous forms of human activity. Will the human race ever address the issues with one voice? We listen to some of the voices that are addressing them, voices of involved people and professionals who are reaching for an answer.

Green Planet Episode Three: Road to Recovery

The Easter Island in the South Pacific was turned from a paradise to a barren, windswept wasteland and back again, to a green, lush ecosystem. In China, great efforts are taking place to change the air quality and reduce CO2 levels. Namibia is the one and only nation in the world which has declared a green future in its constitution. These initiatives may be taking place in disparate countries from the four corners of the Earth, but their goal is the same: to restore our planet to a green state for all species to enjoy.

Guess What's Coming to Dinner

This video presents a comprehensive indictment of the way we produce, grow, process, and sell the most important requirement of any human society-food. Dr. Ed Dart, a genetic engineer, and Roger Salquist of the California biotechnical firm Calgene, claim that food shortages in the developing world could be readily overcome by introducing genetic engineering. They state that by transferring genes from plants that can survive drought into ordinary crops grown in drought-stricken countries, food production can be greatly increased. However, Professor John Lawton of the Imperial College warns of the dangers inherent in releasing some genetically engineered organisms. 

How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth?

Thirst, starvation, claustrophobia-all three await the whole of humanity, if global population and consumption rates continue unchanged. This program explores the looming crisis in practical terms, measuring as accurately as possible our planet's capacity for human habitation. Host Sir David Attenborough guides viewers through the core problems of water scarcity, shortsighted agricultural policies, and alarming birth and death statistics compiled by the United Nations. Expert guests include population expert and London School of Economics professor Timothy Dyson; Nature Conservancy Sustainable Waters Program director Brian Richter; and NASA analyst Dr. Molly Brown. 

Ice on Fire

An eye-opening documentary that focuses on many never-before-seen solutions designed to slow down our escalating environmental crisis, Ice on Fire goes beyond the current climate change narrative and offers hope that we can actually stave off the worst effects of global warming. Narrated by producer and Oscar®-winner Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Leila Conners, who first collaborated with DiCaprio eleven years ago on The 11th Hour, the feature-length documentary focuses on cutting-edge research behind today’s climate science – and the innovations aimed at reducing carbon in the atmosphere, which could pave the way for a reduction in the global temperature rises and a benefit to the planet’s life systems. 

If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front

On December 7, 2005, federal agents conducted a nationwide sweep of radical environmentalists involved with the Earth Liberation Front-an organization the FBI has called America's "number one domestic terrorism threat." This documentary is the remarkable story of the group's rise and fall, told through the transformation and radicalization of one of its members, Daniel McGowan. Part coming-of-age tale, part cops-and-robbers thriller, the film interweaves a chronicle of McGowan facing life in prison with a dramatic investigation of the events that led to his involvement with the ELF. 

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

A decade after AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH brought the climate crisis into the heart of popular culture, comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Former Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight, traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes - in moments both private and public - as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion. 

The Islands and the Whales

The whale hunters of the Faroe Islands believe that hunting is vital to their way of life, but when a local professor makes a grim discovery about the effects of marine pollution, environmental changes threaten their way of life forever. As the islanders come to terms with the health revelations, they face increasing pressure from the outside world to stop the whale hunts. 

Over a Barrel

With roller-coaster gas prices becoming the norm, this ABC News program travels the country to uncover surprising and sometimes disturbing aspects of the oil industry. Charles Gibson reports from Cushing, Oklahoma, where the price of a barrel of oil dictates the price nationally; journeys 160 miles off the coast of Louisiana to one of the deepest-drilling oil rigs in the nation; and visits "refinery row" along the greater Gulf Coast. Viewers learn how Wall Street speculators can cause oil prices to skyrocket, while Energy Secretary Steven Chu discusses the importance of biofuel development and former NATO commander General Wesley Clark discusses the role that oil played in the Iraq war. 

Making North America: Origins

Host Kirk Johnson, Director of Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, journeys on a spectacular road trip through a tumultuous deep past exploring three fundamental questions: How was the continent built? How did life evolve here? And how has the continent shaped us? Episode one of this three-part series focuses on the creation of landmass through volcanic eruptions, the effects of continental collisions, and the creation and destruction of mountain ranges. "Making North America" reveals the incredible story of the majestic North American continent. 

Making North America: Life

Host Kirk Johnson, Director of Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, journeys on a spectacular road trip through a tumultuous deep past exploring three fundamental questions: How was the continent built? How did life evolve here? And how has the continent shaped us? In episode two of this three-part series, discover the surprising intertwined story of life and the landscape in North America-from origins to iconic dinosaurs to giant marine reptiles swimming in an ancient sea that once split the continent in two. "Making North America" reveals the incredible story of the majestic North American continent. 

Making North America: Human 

Host Kirk Johnson, Director of Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, journeys on a spectacular road trip through a tumultuous deep past exploring three fundamental questions: How was the continent built? How did life evolve here? And how has the continent shaped us? In episode three of this three-part series, from Ice Age to oil boom, discover the challenges faced and the wealth uncovered as humans take over the continent. How did we turn rocks into riches? And what catastrophic natural disasters could threaten the civilization we've built? "Making North America" reveals the incredible story of the majestic North American continent. 

Manufactured Landscapes

Manufactured Landscapes is the striking new documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. Internationally acclaimed for his large-scale photographs of 'manufactured landscapes' -quarries, recycling yards, factories, mines and dams -Burtynsky creates stunningly beautiful art from civilization's materials and debris. The film follows him through China, as he shoots the evidence and effects of that country's massive industrial revolution. With breathtaking sequences, such as the opening tracking shot through an almost endless factory, the filmmakers also extend the narratives of Burtynsky's photographs, allowing us to meditate on our impact on the planet and witness both the epicenters of industrial endeavor and the dumping grounds of its waste. 

Melting Point

In September 2017, the front of the Pine Island glacier in the Antarctic Peninsula cracked, creating one of the biggest icebergs ever recorded. Less than a year later, June 2018 saw Europe experience an unprecedented heat wave, which set record temperatures even in the north of Siberia. The sea ice in the Arctic region has shrunk dramatically in recent years. These facts are just some of the latest and most shocking consequences as the silent menace of global warming threatens the entire planet.

The NewsHour: Environmental Science

Whether they arise from human causes or forces within planet Earth itself, natural disasters threaten life and civilization with what seems to be growing frequency. This album of NewsHour segments studies troubling developments in marine, arctic, wetland, and urban environments - highlighting research opportunities that may help prevent future catastrophes. Coral reef decay, Everglades habitat loss, polar ice disappearance, and global warming are all analyzed. In addition, the program looks at earthquake prediction, hurricane and tornado tracking, air pollution monitoring, tsunami warning systems, and the cleanup of toxic flood sediment in New Orleans. 

NOVA: Poisoned Water

Turn on the faucet and it is always there. Without it we perish. But how safe is our tap water? In this special report, NOVA investigates what happened in Flint, Michigan when local officials changed the city's water source to save money, but overlooked a critical treatment process. As the water pipes corroded, lead leached into the system, exposing the community—including thousands of children—to dangerous levels of poison. NOVA uncovers the science behind this manmade disaster—from the intricacies of water chemistry, to the biology of lead poisoning, to the misuse of science itself. NOVA follows ordinary citizens and independent scientists who exposed the danger lurking in Flint's water and confronted those who turned a blind eye. Still, there is a disturbing truth that reaches far beyond Flint—water systems across the country are vulnerable to a similar fate. How can we protect ourselves from poisoned water? 

Oceans of Life: Marine Biology

Exceptionally filmed and presented, this program clearly shows just how interconnected every link is on the marine food chain, from microscopic algae, known as phytoplankton, to the blue whale, the largest organism to ever live on earth. The polar, temperate, and tropical zones are explored in a systematic way by looking at the major classifications of oceanic creatures: plankton, nekton, and benthos. Thermoclines and the photic zone are also discussed in this context. Awe-inspiring underwater photography and animated graphics make this program a great classroom asset.

The Planet Earth

This program will explore the composition of Earth, including the characteristics of the Earth’s surface, life on Earth, and the planet's many kinds of plants, animals, and fish. 

Plastic Planet

We live in the Age of Plastic. It's cheap, it's practical, and it's everywhere—from the highest mountains to the hottest deserts, from the North Pole to the South Pole. It's even part of us—inside our blood. Should we be worried? In Plastic Planet, director Werner Boote takes us on a journey around the globe—from the Moroccan Sahara to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, from a factory in China to the highest peaks of the Alps—to reveal the far-flung reach of plastic. Interviews with the world's foremost experts in biology, pharmacology, and genetics shed light on the perils of plastic to our environment and expose the truth of how plastic affects our bodies...and the health of future generations. 


This non-partisan film includes a look at two national policies--agriculture and energy--shaped by a variety of interests including industry groups, political parties, lobbyists, citizen groups, candidates, and officeholders. 

Putting Argentina's Right to a Healthy Environment to the Test

This episode of The Green Interview features Daniel Sallaberry, the lawyer behind the "Mendoza Case," a lawsuit filed in 2004 by the residents of an impoverished neighbourhood bordering the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, Argentina. For more than 200 years the river has been horribly polluted, carrying the run-off from tanneries, oil refineries, chemical industries, shanty-towns and farmlands. The lawsuit was brought against the city, the province, the national government, fourteen upstream municipalities and 44 private companies, alleging that these organizations had damaged their health and infringed their right to a healthy environment - and on July 8, 2008, after four years of hearings the Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision in which it ruled that government and industry had indeed infringed the residents' right to a healthy environment, and were obliged to repair the damage. 

Revenge of the Electric Car

By 2006, as many as 5,000 electric cars were destroyed by the major car companies that built them. Today, the electric car is back with a vengeance. Without using a single drop of foreign oil, this new generation of car is America's future: fast, furious, and cleaner than ever. It's not just the next generation of green cars that's on the line, it's the future of the automobile itself.

Six Degrees Could Change the World

Based on Mark Lynas's Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet, this program explores the theory that Earth's average temperature could rise six degrees Celsius by the year 2100. One poignant degree at a time, the consequences of rising temperatures on Greenland's ice sheet and Himalayan glaciers, tropical coral reefs and the Amazon rainforest, and elsewhere across five continents are illustrated. In addition, some of the world's top climate researchers present existing technologies and remedies that can help in the battle to cool off the global thermometer. An alarming preview of a potentially catastrophic future-and a global call to action! 

Something in the Air

Pollution is killing tens of thousands of people every day around the world. Cities across Asia and Europe have had to shut down and stop traffic to manage "Airpocalypse" pollution events when the air is unsafe for the people who live there. But air pollution is a major killer everywhere, even places we think of as safe. Pollution causes a range of respiratory diseases, and even short exposure can change how our DNA functions. New science is finding that microscopic bits of air pollution may be able to travel from your nose directly into your brain, and could be causing dementia in humans. How unsafe is the pollution we can't even see? Something in the Air explores these and other questions about the most precious resource we have-air.

The True Cost

Groundbreaking investigation of fast fashion reveals that while the price of clothing has been decreasing for decades the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically.


In the forested depths of eastern Congo lies Virunga National Park, one of the most biodiverse places on earth and home to the planet's last remaining mountain gorillas. In this wild but enchanted environment, a small and embattled team of park rangers - including an ex-child soldier turned ranger, a caretaker of orphan gorillas and a dedicated conservationist - protect this UNESCO World Heritage site from armed militia, poachers and the dark forces struggling to control Congo's rich natural resources. 

Washed Away

Climatologists fear that global warming will cause ocean levels to rise so drastically that whole islands will be submerged. In Washed Away, we meet two island communities struggling to prevent the disappearance of land they have lived on for centuries. For residents of Shishmaref, Alaska, in the Far North, and tropical Tuvalu, a small country in the South Pacific, the situation grows more urgent every day. Scientist believe that unless we reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, even the island of Manhattan is at risk because of rising water levels caused by climate change. Can something be done to prevent these impending catastrophes?

Water on the Table

Water on the Table features Maude Barlow, who is considered "an international water warrior" for her crusade to have water declared a human right. More than a portrait of an activist, [the film] presents several dramatic opposing arguments. Barlow's critics are policy and economic experts who argue that water is no different than any other resource, and that the best way to protect freshwater is to privatize it. 

With My Own Two Wheels: How Bikes Can Change the World

Can a simple, 19th century technology change the world? For most North Americans, a bicycle ride or commute is a lifestyle choice. For countless others across the globe, each pedal stroke is progress out of poverty, toward an education, and over the mountains of social and cultural discrimination.. With My Own Two Wheels links together the stories of five individuals around the globe in a film about the power of the bicycle to improve lives.. For Fred, a health worker in Zambia, the bicycle is a means of reaching twice as many patients in a week. For Bharati, a teenage girl in India, it provides access to education she otherwise wouldn't have. For Mirriam, a disabled Ghanaian woman, working on bicycles is an escape from the stigma attached to her disability. For Carlos, a farmer in Guatemala, pedal power is a way to help neighbors reduce their impact on the environment. For Sharkey, a young Latino man in California, the bicycle is an escape from the gangs that consume so many of his peers.. With My Own Two Wheels profiles the lives of these five people, and portrays the powerful difference a bicycle has made for each of them and their communities. The film can be used to better understand their life circumstances, the power of an "appropriate" human-scale technology in an increasingly hi-tech world, and to inspire discussion on how we can each contribute to improving the lives of people around the world, even in simple ways.. 

Your Right to a Healthy Environment

This episode of The Green Interview features David Boyd, a Canadian ecological lawyer and leading environmental expert who is a forceful advocate for the entrenchment of environmental rights in national legal systems. Boyd's two most recent books demonstrate how Canada and other nations can use constitutional and environmental law to help the environment and improve people's lives. He argues that enshrining the right to a healthy environment in national constitutions can dramatically transform countries' environmental laws and policies and improve their practices of protecting the environment. Yet a handful of nations, including Canada and the U.S., have no such constitutional protections. Boyd aims to change that.


The Age of Stupid

Pete Postlethwaite (the only fictional character) stars as an archivist living alone in the devastated future world of 2055, who spends his days looking at old footage of seven people, from the years leading up to 2015 when a cataclysmic climate change took place. As he sifts through the relics of our lost and misguided civilization, the archivist asks why Earth's inhabitants did nothing to reverse the effects of climate change while they still had the chance.

The Day After Tomorrow

As Paleoclimatologist named Jack Hall is in Antartica, he discovers that a huge ice sheet has sheared off. But what he does not know is that this event will trigger a massive climate shift that will affect the world population. Meanwhile, his son Sam is with friends in New York to attend an event. There they discover that it has been raining non-stop for the past 3 weeks, and after a series of weather-related disasters begin to occur over the world, everybody realizes the world is entering a new Ice Age and the world population begins trying to evacuate to the warmer climates of the south. Jack makes a daring attempt to rescue his son and his friends who are stuck in New York and who have managed to survive not only a massive wave but also freezing cold temperatures that could possibly kill them.


A Filipino woman and her family leave their fishing village after an oil spill and move to the ghettos outside Manila. There the woman struggles to keep her family together amidst terrorism, crime and corruption, and attempts to prevent her children from falling prey to the dangerous allures of the city's night life. 

Once Upon a Forest

Can Dapplewood Forest be saved? Meet Abigail, Edgar and Russell as they take off on an unforgettable journey of excitement and danger when they try to save Dapplewood and help their young friend Michelle who is in trouble in the forest. These woodland creatures are in a race against time and are forced to cope with a threat to their environment as the life of their young friend hangs in the balance.