Text: (571) 248-7542
The electronic editions of record for local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of key international sources. Over 4,500 news sources are included. Each provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and people in the community. Paid ads are excluded.
The Atlantic is a news magazine with coverage that spans current affairs, politics, science, literature, technology, culture, and the economy.
Coverage: 1857-present.
** Access limited to current AU students, faculty, and staff. **
When visiting https://www.theatlantic.com/ from the open web, click the ‘Sign in’ button, select ‘Sign in through your institution’, then search for ‘American University’.
English translations of news articles published in the Soviet Union and Russia from 1949 to 2010. Includes translations of Soviet government documents, laws and treaties, five-year plans and reports of their implementation, as well as speeches by leaders.
Note that we do not have access to The Current Digest of the Russian Press, 2011-present.
A free Internet Archive service,TV News Search searches the closed captions of news programs collected since 2009 from national U.S. networks and stations, and then allows viewing of the associated news clips. Special collections on popular topics, visualizations of top news searches, fact checks, and trending stories are also included.
U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring top newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
NEW! Registration required! Please click on the database link for instructions on registering for or reactivating your AU-sponsored account.
Once your account is activated, sign in on https://www.wsj.com/ to access.
Full access to the Wall Street Journal, with global coverage of business and financial news, in addition to national and international news. Includes English, Chinese, and Japanese editions.
Full access to Washington DC's daily Pulitzer-Prize winning newspaper featuring local, national and international news.
Registration required! Follow these instructions to register for your AU-sponsored account
Once your account is verified and subscription connected to AU's organization, sign in at https://www.washingtonpost.com to access.
This three part collection includes News Features & internal communications from 1848-2000, Washington, D.C. Bureau records from 1938-2009, and U.S. City Bureaus from 1931-2004).
This resource was made possible through the Samuel & Lucy Keker Endowed Library Fund.
The Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports are U.S. government transcriptions and translations of radio broadcasts from foreign countries. Annexes comprise an additional 7,000 transcripts to the Daily Reports. The modern successor to the FBIS Daily Reports is the World News Connection.
Guangming Ribao is the official Chinese newspaper and has the longest publication history of any newspaper in China. Database provides access to full content from 1946-2017.
This is a collection of 25 newspapers in Japanese-American internment camps run by the War Relocation Authority from 1942 to 1945. Most of the articles are in English, but many are in Japanese. Many of the titles are complete or substantially complete. Editions have been carefully collated and omissions are noted.
Access to the Los Angeles times from 1881 through 2012.
Access to the New York Times from 1851 to 2017.
Widely read English language newspaper from India, purported to be the largest-selling English language daily in the world. The Archive includes preceding titles, the Bombay times and Journal of Commerce and The Bombay Times and Standard. Coverage from 1838 to 2010.
The digitized version of the complete Wall Street Journal, with global coverage of business and financial news, starting from 1889. Coverage through 2011. For more recent and current coverage, please find the Wall Street Journal in our list of databases.
Access to the Washington Post from 1877 through 2007.
News from non-U.S. news sources from 1995 to 2013 in English or translated into English by the Director of National Intelligence Open Source Center (OSC). It is the continuation of the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS).
A collection of digitized newspapers from India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Papers are mostly in English with a few in Bengali and one in Gujarati.