This guide provides a selective list of regularly updated country reports and profiles that are free on the Web, print publications, or from American University Library's subscription databases.
Older country profiles can be found in the annual Amnesty International Report. These reports can be found at the Amnesty International website by searching for "annual report".
Amnesty International Report (1975-1977/1978, 1983- )
(Call number: JC571 .A5) AU Library has print copies.
Freedom in the World (1998 to present)
AU Library has print copies from 1978 to present. (Call number: JC571 .F67).
Freedom of the Press (2002 to present)
AU Library has print copies of the 2003, 2005, 2006 editions.
Freedom on the Net (2011 to present)
Nations in Transit (2003 to present).
Tracks reform in the former Communist states of Europe and Eurasia.
Countries at the Crossroads (2004 to 2012)
Analysis of government performance in 70 strategically important countries worldwide that are at a critical crossroads in determining their political future.
Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa (2010).
AU Library has print copy of the 2005 edition. (Call number: HQ1236.5.M65 W66 2005)
Annual Report (1970 to present)
(Call number: JC599 .A5 I58) AU Library has print copies of Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human rights, 1977-1993, 1995-2001.
Each annual report has a section on human right developments in certain member countries.
Country Reports (1962 to present)
Situation of human rights in individual member countries.
Inter-American Court on Human Rights from the Organization of American States
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is an autonomous judicial institution whose purpose is the application and interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights.
Annual Reports (1980 to present)
While not country reports, these annual reports present the human rights violation cases that are brought against member countries before the Inter-American Court on Human Rights that year.
Universal Periodic Review (2008 to present) from the United Nations
Documents what actions each of the 193 UN Member States have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries. A review occurs every four and a half years.