Text: (571) 248-7542
Some of the industry research databases listed here present news and analysis on a given industry in the form of a comprehensive report. Others are are more focused on different markets, such as emerging tech or consumer markets, but provide information on the industries supplying these markets.
Contains detailed reports on over 700 industries in the United States. Also includes company and segment benchmarking metrics. Reports are based on the NAICS code.
If you're industry isn't covered in the above-listed databases, try of of these listed below. Use these to look for articles in trade journals and news sources, as well as conference proceedings.
Provides abstracts and full text from more than 1,300 journals and magazines on computing, the Internet and software development.
More than 5 million IEEE documents in the areas of computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, and communication. The library includes extensive conference proceedings, as well as peer-reviewed journal articles and industry standards.
Presents, in a series of question and answer formats, financial analyst and company CEO perspectives on a range of industry sectors relative to investment outlooks and financial performance.
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