Industry Research
This guide lists internet sites for doing research on the sources of industry information. If you need more help in finding information, please contact the Business Librarian.
Business Identification
- NAICS - North American Industry Classification System. This is the most commonly used classification system for US industries and is used by the US Census Bureau and other federal agencies to classify business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. It has a hierarchy that starts with two digit codes for the broadest industries, four digit codes for the major groups within an industry and six digit codes for the company level.
- Standard Industrial Classification Codes - This system was used until 1987 to classify US industries (and is still used by the Security & Exchange Commission today). You can search the SIC manual by keyword, to access descriptive information for a specified 4-digit SIC, or examine the manual structure.
Industry Information Websites