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Acquisitions Procedures: Inter-Library Loan

ILL fast Track Ordering

Inter-Library Loan has a program that books requested through ILL will automatically be purchased if certain criteria are met.  The criteria is the following:

1) For faculty 
2) English only 
3) Published in the last 3 years 
4) No Textbooks 
5) Only academic titles 
6) Not owned by a consortium library 

The workflow for how Acquisitions handles ILL Fast Track Ordering is located here:

I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Inter-library Loan\ILL FAST TRACK ORDERING.docx

Searching for books for ILL

When the staff in Inter-Library Loan can not find a book in the library, they will bring the book request to the Acquisitions Librarian.  The Acq Librarian will then go through a series of steps to try and figure out if the book is in the building and if so, where it is located.

The workflow for finding ILL Rush books can be found here:

I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Inter-library Loan\ILL Rush searching suggestions.docx