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Acquisitions Procedures: Home


This libguide is intended to help the Acquisitions staff as well as others who interact with the unit.  We will try to document all our workflows here.  If you have any questions or think there is information missing, please contact the Acquisitions Librarian with your input.

Stacey Marien

Acquisitions Librarian


Who should I talk to in Acquisitions about what?


For questions related to…



The materials budget


Packages received or the receiving room


Trying to find a book in the workflow


Priority cataloging requests




Serials, such as routed periodicals/serials check-in


Baker & Taylor (popular fiction)


Processing, such as book repair/book processing


Your order

Alexandra, Eva, or Chris

Specialty order requests


Standing Orders, such as cancellations or cost




Running Access reports


Returning flags to the unit


The bindery


Books in the catalog that likely haven’t arrived yet


Inter Library loan requests


Books in the catalog that likely have arrived



Account Codes:

      11100A00 - Coutts account code used for firm order shelf-ready books with EOD. MARC records should be exported from OASIS when ordered.

      11100A01 - Coutts account  code used for non-EOD data firm orders, such as added copies and replacements. MARC records should not be exported from OASIS when ordered.

      11100A02 - Coutts account  code for Approval, shelf ready books.

      11100A03 - Coutts print Standing Orders

      11100A04 -  Coutts account code for Print Purchase on Demand.

      11100E00 - Coutts account code for Patron Driven Acquisitions (ebooks).

      11100E01 - Coutts account code used for ebooks with EOD. 

      11100E02 - Coutts account code used for e-preferred approval books.

      11100E20 - Coutts EBSCO firm e-books

      11100E50 - Coutts EBL firm e-books

      10524N00 - Coutts Nijhoff Foreign print book orders

Annual - Issued once a year, every year. Often ordered as standing orders with vendors.

Approval Plan - Automated selection of book titles, based on set criteria.  Our primary approval plan is with Coutts Ingram.

BinderyCommercial (off campus) site which turns loose issues of periodicals into bound volumes and repairs books. Materials at the bindery are not available for approximately one month. Our bindery is HF Group.

Bound PeriodicalsBack issues of periodicals which have been sent to the bindery.  The bound volumes are then directly to off-site storage at WRLC (except for visual arts periodicals which are still kept at the library).

Check-in - The ongoing process of recording the receipt of each issue of a newspaper or periodical.

Claiming - A notice from a library informing the publisher or subscription agent that a specific issue of a newspaper or periodical on subscription, or item on continuation order,  has not been received within a reasonable time, with a request that a replacement copy be sent.

Collection Manager - The librarians who are responsible for developing the library's collections.

Coutts Ingrams -The library's primary book vendor.

EDI - Embedded Data Invoicing

EOD - Embedded Order Data

Current PeriodicalsThe most recent issues of periodicals. Usually, but not always, the current year.  Shelved on the lower level of the library.

E-preferred - An approval plan for ebooks.  If an ebook is available within 8 weeks of the print book being published, the library will be sent the ebook.  If the ebook is not available within 8 weeks, the library will be sent the print book.

Firm Order - A direct request to order a book.  The request can come from students, faculty, staff or librarians. An order placed as a onetime purchase, usually of a monograph, score, or media.

Flags - Colored slips of paper that are put in a book to indicate special cataloging or processing is needed.

Fund Code - The system used to catogorize subject areas in our budget ledger.  All resources are charged to a fund code. For example 19 = Economics.

Green Rush - Any priority cataloging request or “Hold/Notify” request

Hold/Notify - When a book arrives, the person who requested it is notified that it is available and ready to be checked out.  The book is held for the person at the borrowing desk.

IBU - Incomplete bindable unit (a unit of a print serials title - one volume, or one six-month pile) that is missing one or more issues.

ILL Fast Track -If a book is requested on Inter-library loan and meets certain criteria, the acquisitions department will purchase the book for the collection

ILL Rush Request - Books that are in the building but not on the shelf.  They have been received and have an item record but are still in process.

Journal - A periodical devoted to disseminating original research and commentary on current developments in a specific discipline, subdiscipline, or field of study, usually published in quarterly, bimonthly, or monthly issue sold by subscription.

MyiLibrary - The ebook platform provided by Coutts Ingram.  The majority of the library's ebooks are purchased on the MyiLibrary platform.

Notify - When a book arrives in the library, the person who requested it is notified that the book is here.  The book is shelved in its proper place and NOT HELD at the borrowing desk.

Patron Driven Acquisitions for ebooks (PDA) - Ebook records are loaded into the catalog monthly, based on set criteria.  When the title is accessed 2 times, it triggers an automatic purchase.  Once a month, the acquisitions librarian receives an invoice of the purchased titles.  The invoice is paid from a deposit account with Coutts Ingram.  The ebook holdings location is changed from aumyilibrary to auebook (owned).

Periodicals - A publication issued at regular intervals, usually monthly or weekly

Pink Rush - (also Rush Reserves) A rush order for reserves. Books go to the rush cart in Cataloging & are rush processed.

Popular Periodical - Publications that are funded by the RHA Periodicals Fund.  They are located on the lower level of the library, in a separate reading area.

Print Purchase on Demand - Print book records are loaded in the catalog monthly, based on set criteria.  A user may request that the title be purchased.  The request is sent to an Oasis queue and processed like a firm order book.

Priority Cataloging - If a new book is not yet cataloged or otherwise unavailable for checkout,  a request can be put forth for it to be given priority treatment.  A form may be filled out to start this process.

Rush Cart - There is a cart in Cataloging and another in Processing. Used to ensure that rush items move through the system quickly.

Rush Reserves - (also Pink Rush) Requests from reserves are given priority treatment . Coded in pink highlighter.

SerialsGeneric term for regularly or irregularly published recurring materials. Includes periodicals, journals, annuals.

Shelf-ready - These are books that come with some of the processing already completed by the book vendor.  The book will be property stamped, a bookplate and barcode affixed and a call number placed on the spine.

Standing Order - An order placed by a library with a publisher,  jobber,  or dealer  to supply each volume or part of a specific title or type of publication as published, until further notice.

TOC Enhanced - A service provided by Coutts.  Table of Contents information is added to the 505 field of the MARC record. The enhancement comes directly from Bowker.

USBE - United States Book Exchange (source for missing serials, among other things).

W-9 form - Every American vendor must have a W-9 on file with AP to be paid.

WRLC - Washington Research Library Consortium.  Many of our books and journals are held at the off-site storage facilities of WRLC, located in Upper Marlboro, MD. Also the physical location of our Voyager servers. Voyager helpdesk tickets are placed here.

YBP - Yankee Book Peddler. Our secondary book vendor.  We order ebooks from EBL, EBSCO and Ebrary through YBP.