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Acquisitions Procedures: Standing Orders

Book Standing Orders

Standing orders are items that come without creating a purchase order. Usually, these are books that are part of a series. Each time a new volume is added to the series, it is automatically sent to us. Examples are Who's Who, Library of America, World Almanac, etc.

When the book comes in, it is received in Voyager; a note pops up that tells us if the book is in Reference, if it is a stacks add or if it is an analyzed standing order.  Analyzed standing orders are usually books that are part of a series that has an individual title. For example, for the series "Very Short Introductions" we receive titles such as "Climate Change" or "Ancient Greek Philosophy". Since these are different titles under different subjects, they require their own catalog record.  Stacks added books are books that do not have an individual title. An example is Cambridge History of China - Volume 5. This just needs to be added to the current series record.

After a standing order is determined to be analyzed or a stacks add, it is sent to Cataloging to either add a new record or add the item to the existing series record.

Further information regarding book standing orders can be found at: I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Receiving\Standing Order Books.doc

Music Standing Orders

The Library also receives standing orders for scores and CDs. These are considered approval orders, because the vendors send us what they think we would like and we can return what we don't want.

J.W. Pepper Score Approval

We recieve our approval scores from J.W. Pepper, one of our main score vendors. They send us newly published scores for us to review. The Music Librarian wil review the scores for quality as well as if they are a good fit for the collection and the needs of the Music Department. The scores that are not selected are returned to the vendor and the scores that are selected are sent to Cataloging and then to Processing.  I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Approval Plans (non-Coutts-YBP)\J.W Pepper Score Approval Plan AU138271.doc

Arkiv Music CD Approvals

Every month, our representative from Arkive Music will send us a spreadsheet with the month's approval CDs. The Music Librarian will review the list and select which she would like to add to the collection. The spreadsheet is returned to Arkiv Music and the CDs are sent to us. After they are received, they are sent to Cataloging and then Processing.  I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Approval Plans (non-Coutts-YBP)\Arkiv Music Approval order plan\Arkiv (formerly MLSC) Approval order plan AU136200.docx


Hachette Orders

From Hachette, we recieve art and children's books. Each year they send a list of proposed titles, which is reviewed by collection development. The list is returned to Hachette, and throughout the year, as the books are published, the are sent to us.

I:\Information Delivery Services\Acquisitions\Approval Plans (non-Coutts-YBP)\ABRAMS (Hachette book group).docx

Standing Orders Series Title Changes