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Acquisitions Procedures: Reference

Common Location Codes

Most commonly used location codes


AU:Lib Stacks

Au apv AU: On Approval
Augn AU: Graphic Novel Collection
Auebook AU:Electronic Book
Aunp AU:Media Services
Aur AU: Reference Stacks
Aus AU:Special Collections
Auks AU:Music Library, Katzen Arts Center
Auel AU:LIB CMC Larissa Gerstel Critical Literacy Coll

Creating Vendor Records

When we select a new vendor to use, a vendor record needs to be created in Voyager.

The workflow for creating a new vendor record can be found here:

I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Vendors\CREATING VENDOR RECORDS.docx

Collection Manager Fund Codes

Acquisitions/Cataloging IDs

Acquisitions ID

Cataloging ID


Processing student = aucat1

Amy – DBM C

Alandra = D

Shireese  =  auacq2

Becca = K

Alllie = F

Eva = auacq3

Henry = R

Liz W = L

Alexandra = auacq4

Alayne = Metadata Librarian

Dan = Cataloging Coordinator

Chris H  = auacq5

Adam = U 

Florita = auacq11

Claire  =  auacq6

Mohammed = V  

Felicity  =  auacq6

Dawn  = auacq7

Alex = auacq13

Joellen = T

Anne = auacq8

Stacey  = auacq9

Import Codes

 An import code is the set of rules that will be used to process the records into Voyager.  For example, the import code will create POs for newly ordered books,  we get records from Coutts and the import code tells Voyager what deduplication to do against records in the database, tells what holdings location and item level location information applies, tells you what fields to copy bibliographic data to the holdings record.  It can also copy over financial/order data from the bibliographic record to the Acquisitions purchase record.  Import codes are created in the SysAdmin portion of Voyager.  The codes are located under the Cataloging tab, Bulk Import Rules.

AUCTSAPP - Approval Titles

AUCTSEAP - E-Preferred Titles

AUCTSEFO: Electronic firm order 

AUCTSEFR: Electronic firm replacement 

AUCTSPD1: Print purchase-on-demand. This is the import code for the initial record

AUCTSPD2: This is for reimporting the pPOD records once the 856u in the bib has been changed to 856x. (The monthly load is a two-step process.) 

AUCTSPD3: This is the code for importing the record we receive at the time of pPOD purchase. (i.e., when a title is bought via the amerpda queue. It prompts a MARC download which is imported on PD3 to create the PO. The original (PD1/2) record is then deleted. 

AUCTSPFO: Print firm order

AUCTSPFR: Print firm replacement 

AUMYILIB: Use this to import the monthly ePDA load

AUMYILR: This is for overlaying the ePDA load once the 856u in the bib has been changed to 856x.

AUYBPCLA: I am assuming this is Children's lit? (8099-12) 

AUYBPEFO: Yankee Book Peddler electronic firm order (8099-50) 

AUYBPEFR: electronic firm replacement (856u-->x) 

AUYBPPFO: Print firm order. For importing records for titles ordered on account 8099-08, print firm shelf-ready

AUYBPPFR: Print firm replacement. We don't use this. POs are created, approved, received, and invoiced at the time of record receipt. There is only one set of records and no overlay. I think this profile is only in there for symmetric reasons. 

Documentation for Import Codes lives here: I:\Information Delivery Services\Acquisitions\Import Codes

Screenshots of an Import Code

Accounts Payable Invoice Numbering Conventions

Tax exempt document