The Acquisitions Unit orders many books via a credit card or purchasing card (P card). These books can be:
Some of the most popular vendors that we use to order by credit card are:
A searcher will create the Purchase Order and give the order information to the Acquisitions Librarian or the Aquisitions Coordinator. The order will then be placed and the paperwork for the title will be filed. The Purchase Order is printed out and matched with the order information from the vendor. The PO is then set aside to match with the credit card charges and ultimately reconciled once a month with the credit card report.
The workflow for initiating the Credit Card Orders is located here:
I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Credit Cards\Credit Card Documentation\PLACING CREDIT CARD ORDERS.docx
The Credit Card workflow lives here I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Credit Card\Credit Card Documentation
Credit Card Orders come with a packing slip and the PO will have Credit Card written in the upper left hand corner. When books or DVD's arrive they are unpacked and assembled on a truck. Then the orders are pulled from the PO file and matched with the correct title and matched against the packing slip to ensure that the titles that were ordered were delivered. As the books or DVD's are being matched with the PO's; if the order is a book read the PO to see what flags might go with the order (i.e. Reference, CMC, Hold/Notify, etc). Place the book on the Cataloging Non Coutts Firm order shelf for Cataloging. When handling a DVD check the R-MAD system to make sure the title is listed and then click on the drop down menu and click on "Sent to tech-check'.
The workflow for Firm Credit Card orders can be found at
I:\AU Technical Services Department\Acquisitions Unit\Credit Cards\Credit Card Documentation\Credit Card Firm Orders workflow.doc