These are just a few of the many databases that might be useful to you in researching current and historical topics in visual information. For more recommended databases, please visit the Library's databases by subject page.
This scholarly database contains over 3,600 peer-reviewed publications in full-text on every subject.
Sage Data Core provides U.S. and international statistical information. Includes the American Statistics Index, Statistical Abstract of the United States and a selection of full-text documents. As of June 2021, includes SAGE State Stats and SAGE Local Stats featuring statistical data series created from government and non-government datasets, covering topics of research interest for U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan areas. See a comprehensive list of datasets included in AU Library's Sage Data Core subscription.
Data Axle Historical US Business provides establishment-level information on businesses in the United States, at national, state, county, and ZIP code levels. Data on businesses in US territories are also included. Data are collected from multiple sources, including direct calls to businesses. The resource is a comprehensive source of information on small- and medium-sized businesses. This premium dataset is integrated in search on the Sage Data platform.
Multi-subject reference source covering general and academic periodicals; full-text is available for many articles.
Contains bibliographic and citation information for 3,000 international scholarly journals across 50 disciplines.