Criminal Justice Abstracts contains comprehensive coverage of international journals, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers on criminology and related disciplines.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts is a major political science index providing citations and abstracts to journal articles, book chapters, books, and websites on subjects including international relations, law, and public administration and policy. Dating from 1975 and updated monthly, the WPSA is built on two indices: Political Science Abstracts and ABC POLSCI. Roughly 1,510 titles are being monitored for coverage; of these, 67% are published outside the United States.
The PAIS International database from ProQuest contains references to more than 634,401 journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material, and more. Includes publications from over 120 countries throughout the world. In addition to English, some of the indexed materials are published in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976.
Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC) is a uniquely comprehensive resource for the study of political violence of all kinds. In cooperation with a team of 2800 experts, TRAC gathers the best information for exploration of this topic by faculty, scholars, students, government and defense professionals, as well as the general public.
This scholarly database contains over 3,600 peer-reviewed publications in full-text on every subject.
Full-text of back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences, plus a collection of more than one million digital art images for teaching and research.
American University is participating in JSTOR’s interactive research tool beta testing. View our FAQ for details.
Multi-subject reference source covering general and academic periodicals; full-text is available for many articles.
An excellent source of up-to-date news, business and legal information. News stories date back to the late 1970s. U.S. and international sources are available for most content areas. Includes Company Dossier content.
A major source of newspapers, web news, and industry news, containing 28,000 sources from over 200 countries in 23 languages. Includes Wall Street Journal television transcripts and newswires. Includes company profiles.
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