Locating Market share can be tricky. While the library has several
resources for determining a company or brand's market share, there a few
points one should keep in mind when looking at the data.
Understand how a market's scope is being defined in the report. This is especially important when comparing market share reports from different sources. (For example, the market share for Samsung microwave ovens will be represented differently in a report listing the small household appliances as opposed to one on small kitchen appliances.)
Whenever possible, look at the market share as a percentage of value and in actual units.
Don't use just one year's worth of data, find multiple years. Trends are important! Is the market share increasing, decreasing or flat?
Has very comprehensive market share statistics for consumer industries for the U.S. and 80 countries. Provides company share, brand share, market size and some segmentation.
Provides 600 yearly industry reports covering consumer markets, financial services, media, retail, leisure, and industrial spaces for the U.S. and select international markets. Mintel Trends also available.
Organized by SIC defined topics, such as cat food or tire manufacturers, this annual publication presents market share data on over four thousand companies, and 2,500 products, facilities, and brands. Several entries are usually available under each industry. Most recent edition: 2016.