To access WRDS after you have created an account, click this link:
WRDS implemented 2-factor authentication using DUO for registered user accounts beginning November 28, 2022.
Users will be prompted to enroll and set-up instructions are available on the WRDS website.
Class accounts and Day Pass access are not subject to the 2FA requirement.
Instructors can set up class accounts for a specific course with defined start and end dates.
Class accounts provide students access to the WRDS web interface to complete exercises or assignments during that time. This includes access to the WRDS JupyterHub to create Jupyter notebooks to work with the data and SAS Studio. Instructors can use newly designed tools to manage their class accounts and track student usage of the WRDS platform.
See also Classroom Tools by WRDS, a teaching and learning toolkit designed specifically for faculty who are introducing finance and business concepts in the classroom.
Faculty members, staff, masters and Ph.D. students may establish individual WRDS accounts that include data storage. For more information about available account types and parameters, please click the Account Types tab.
To access WRDS without creating an account, click on this link:
Connect to WRDS
(Formerly WRDS Day Pass)
After submitting the form, you will receive an email with an access link.
Bank Regulatory
CBOE Indexes
COMPUSTAT North America
CRSP Index History Intraday
CRSP Stock and Indices data
CRSP Ziman Real Estate
DMEF Academic Data
Fama French & Liquidity Factors
Federal Judicial Center's (FJC) Integrated Database
Federal Reserve Bank
Historical SPDJI
ISS Institutional Shareholder Services (formerly RiskMetrics)
MSCI ESG Ratings
Macro Finance Society
Penn World Tables
SEC Order Execution
Thompson/Refinitiv DealScan
Thomson/Refinitiv - SDC M&A