We have thousands of exhibit catalogs in our collection.
AU Library has a vast collection, plus access to print materials from Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) libraries.
Start your search in the catalog here, or on the library homepage.
WRLC member libraries' print materials are included in AU Library Search. The vast majority of titles can be borrowed by selecting 'Consortium loan request' in the catalog record and books will be delivered to Bender Library in 2-3 days.
WRLC member libraries include:
American University George Mason University Howard University
Catholic University George Washington University Marymount University
Gallaudet University Georgetown University University of the District of Columbia
The library provides access to hundreds of news sources.
Search for articles in the AU Library Search Newspaper Search.
Find news sources in our News & Newspapers Subject Guide.
Register for an account for these major online newspapers:
First time users: Follow the instructions in the library's account registration guide.
Access to the website of the New York Times - one of the world's leading newspapers.
Includes access to the New York Times InEducation curated reading lists.
Click the Log In button and sign in to access full news content 1981-present.
NEW! Registration required! Please click on the database link for instructions on registering for or reactivating your AU-sponsored account.
Once your account is activated, sign in on https://www.wsj.com/ to access.
Full access to the Wall Street Journal, with global coverage of business and financial news, in addition to national and international news. Includes English, Chinese, and Japanese editions.
Explore some of our browsable collections or search for a topic or title. We have plenty of literature, history, popular science and even children's books for recreational reading.