This content is drawn from a report authored by the AU Library's Artificial Intelligence Exploratory Working Group. You can read the groups full report covering the current state of AI and making recommendations to library leadership in the American University Research Archive.
Artificial intelligence research as a whole is attempting to make machines capable of mimicking human-like functions. Categorization of AI depends on how and the degree to which a particular system can emulate humans. In general, systems that can perform in the most human-like ways are considered more “evolved” forms of AI.
Three large categories for AI are: Narrow or Weak AI, General AI, and Super AI. Narrow AI is trained to a very specific set of circumstances and cannot do tasks besides those that it was trained to do. It cannot select its own application of a skill to a task. General AI is more human-like and can do a variety of normal human tasks, choosing when to apply different strategies and tasks just like a human would. Super AI has an intelligence and capacity that exceeds that of all humans. At this stage in time, only Narrow AI exists.
Within the larger category of Narrow AI, there are four types of basic functionalities that AI systems can do: reactive, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-aware. All AI applications that humans currently have developed and use fit into the first two categories; the last two categories only currently exist as concepts at this stage (Jones, 2023).
Reactive AI systems are exactly as the name states: they react to different kinds of stimuli. Reactive systems cannot “remember” or “learn” from previous experience, and therefore can’t use previous experience to inform their reactions in the present. Reactive machines are best at responding to inputs and will not change or improve their reactions over time. An example of a reactive machine is Deep Blue, a chess-playing AI system. Deep Blue knows the rules of chess and can apply them to the game, but does not “learn” its opponents’ chess-playing style or adapt to it.
Limited memory AI systems can do everything that reactive systems can do, but they can also learn from previous experience to make decisions and adapt reactions in the future. Any AI system that uses deep learning is trained on large volumes of human data. Limited memory systems can use their experience with this training data as a reference to respond to future prompts. Its accuracy should increase over time as it “learns” and adapts. Currently, these AI systems can only perform specific tasks based on the prompts it receives. They cannot do more than what they’re programmed to do, and the quality of the response depends on the quality of the prompt given by a human. Familiar types of Limited Memory AI include chatbots, image recognition tools, virtual assistants, and self-driving vehicles.
Within limited memory systems, we can break down the classification even further based on the tasks and skill-level of the AI tool. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, focuses on creating new content that has never existed before. Generative AI uses neural networks and machine learning to mimic human production. It is not designed to be factual, but rather to be a processor that mimics what humans do in the areas of communication, language, and art (among others). The product of generative AI at this stage is not vetted for truth or accuracy and can contain significant bias and errors. Communicative AI, such as Siri, simulates human conversation and can interact with humans in a conversation in a human-seeming way. It searches and gathers already existing information for the user based on the prompt it receives. This type of AI does not create anything new, despite the appearance of having a conversation with the user. Communicative AI uses natural language processing wherein computers can process and imitate human language. They’re trained on large amounts of authentic human language data. Predictive AI focuses on predicting or forecasting future events. It uses statistical models and analysis to identify patterns, anticipate future events, and make predictions. The foundations of predictive AI are statistical models and machine learning.
The image below gives us an example by breaking down the classification of ChatGPT, a popular generative AI chatbot (Zwingmann, 2023). ChatGPT is a form of Generative AI based on Large Language Models (LLM), which then fits into the larger classification of Narrow AI. Not all generative AI is text-based and will use LLMs, but those that are built to mimic human language do so by learning and later replicating statistical relationships between texts within large datasets of human language examples.
(Zwingmann, 2023)
While the rapid development of LLM such as GPT-4 is what is currently dominating discussions, Expert Systems are another type of Narrow AI that may be either reactive or limited memory, depending on the program. While the term “Expert Systems” seems to be used variably, they often incorporate machine learning but are trained on much more specific datasets and have additional rules built into their coding meant to mimic the cognitive process of subject domain experts.
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