This is list of dataset archives and repositories. Many national data archives can be found in the websites of national statistical agencies (see tab on Regions & Individual Countries.) Although these data archives are arranged by countries, they usually also have datasets on other countries or global in scope. Some datasets are available from several data archives.
United States
ICPSR: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (AU Community only)
Major depository of datasets. Searching is free. Downloading the data is restricted to American University members. To download data, create an account. Once approved, AU members can download the files anywhere.
Datasets that are generated and held by the Federal Government.
CIESIN: Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Downloadable data.
Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA) from Princeton University's Firestone Library and Princeton Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies
Archive of data sets on the arts and cultural policy in the United States.
iPOLL and RoperExpress (Roper Center) (AU Community only)
U.S. and international public opinion polls (iPOLL) and datasets (RoperExpress) from 1935 to present. Includes the major academic, commercial and media survey organizations. RoperExpress has the datasets.
CESSDA: Council of European Social Sciences Data Archives
Umbrella organisation for social science data archives across Europe. Some datasets are downloadable free of charge. A registration is required for downloading most data files. Search here before searching member organizations' data collections.
Hosts the datasets of the International Social Survey Programme.
United Kingdom
Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)
Major archive of datasets in the U.K. Similar to ICPSR.
"Access to the Data Catalogue, including online documentation such as questionnaires, does not require registration. However, to download any data you must register, agree to an End User Licence (EUL) and provide details of your intended use. Access restrictions may apply to some users/usages and details can be found in the relevant [ESDS] catalogue record."
National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD)
Datasets and documents (1963 to present) from UK central government departments.
U.K. Data Archive
To access and download the data, American University users must apply for a UK Data Archive username and password.
Australian Social Science Data Archive (ASSDA)
Social, political and economic affairs datasets from a consortium of leading national Australian universities, managed by the Australian National University. Requires a free registration.
Research Data Centres (RDC) Network
A consortium of Canadian universities and research centers. Must apply for access to the data sets.
Centre for Global Development: Data Sets