Note of caution: Data coming from international sources are usually not strictly comparable with those produced by countries since different sources apply different definitions, classifications and calculation procedures. One advantage of the following statistical sources is that they have tried to make cross-country statistical comparisons valid.
World Development Indicators from World Bank
Data: 1960 onwards. Updated: 4 times a year.
Main World Bank statistical database. Over 1200 variables and indicators compiled from official statistical sources. Covers topics of education, environment, economic policy and debt, financial sector, health, infrastructure, labor and social protection, poverty, private sector and trade, and the public sector.
World Factbook - CIA (currrent year)
Basic social, economic and military statistics on countries of the world. Updated throughout the year.
World Factbook -CIA (earlier editions) via Hein Online (1981 to 2009 editions)
AU Library also has print copies of editions from 1979, 1984-1985, 1987-1991, 1993-1995, 2000 to present. (Call number: JF 37.N3).
IMF eLibrary - Data
Includes the following statistical databases from the International Monetary Fund:
EIU Country Reports
Country political and economic analyses and forecasts from the Economist Intelligence Unit. Updated monthly.
Euromonitor Passport GMID
Industry, consumer and country statistics and reports for countries around the world, including emerging markets. Please note: Access limited to AU Authorized Users with a valid AU ID.
Eurostat (1946 to present)
Statistical office of the European Union.
ICPSR: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
Major depository of datasets. Searching is free. Downloading the data is restricted to American University members. To download data, create an account. Once approved, AU members can download the files anywhere.
Books, periodicals, statistics and working papers from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Statistics mainly of member countries. Now includes International Energy Agency's (IEA) statistical databases. (new)
United Nations
League of Nations
World Almanac and Book of Facts.
(Call number: AY67.N5 W7). AU Library has print volumes from 1930, 1932-1946, 1948-1953, 1955-1968, 1970-1972, 1975-1977, 1979-1981, 1983 to present.
Glossary of Official Development Assistance (ODA) terms - from OECD
United Kingdom
United States
International: Armed Conflicts and Security
World War II
Vietnam War
Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
International: Communications/Telecommunications
International: Criminal Justice
International: Elections see Data Archives page for more detailed results
International: Energy and Environment
International: Geography, Geology and Resources
International: Government and Political Science
International: Health and Vital Statistics
Substance Abuse
International: Investments
International: Military and Arms
International: Population, Demographics and Migration
International: Science and Technology