Text: (571) 248-7542
Search 3.2 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources and media in the Global Think Tank collection; surveys, reports, and research from the governments of 600+ North American cities, plus publications from local governments around the world in World Cities.
Contains documents published by Congress including hearings, floor debates, bill text, legislative histories, and reports from the Congressional Research Service. Dates vary by publication and range from 1789-present.
This resource was made possible in part through the Lee Somers Endowed Library Fund.
A collection of research and analysis in international politics and related fields, including security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental studies.Types of publications include working papers, policy briefs, current analysis and commentary, scholarly journal articles, e-books, and videos.
RAND is a nonprofit public policy research institution and think tank. Founded after World War II with a focus on national security, their portfolio grew starting in the 1960s to include domestic issues such as health, education, sustainability, criminal and civil justice, and development. Full text thousands of reports, articles, and working papers. Covers 1946-present.
On June 30, 2024, the World Bank eLibrary subscription platform was discontinued. Content is available open access on the following platforms:
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
The World Bank’s official open access repository from which anyone can access its research outputs and knowledge products released since 2000.
Documents and Reports
Access all publicly disclosed project and institutional documents since 1946 made available in compliance with the World Bank’s Access to Information Policy.
World Bank Open Data portal
Access to global development data including World Development Indicators and hundreds of datasets, including embeddable data visualizations.
World Bank Group (WBG) Archives
The institutional memory of the WBG providing public access to its documentary heritage. Digitized materials and engaging discovery tools including Country Historical Profiles.
Integrates data including demographics, home sale statistics, health data, mortgage trends, labor data and more with web-based GIS. This allows users to view data on maps, table, and charts.
** Access restricted to current AU students, faculty, and staff. **
** There was an update made to our authentication to this resource on August 20, 2024. Existing users will be prompted to verify their accounts by inputting a code sent to their @american.edu email. **