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Udall Foundation (Morris & Stewart) Scholarship Essay Guide: Home

Looking for a speech, legislative act, book, or public policy statement by either Morris K. Udall or Stewart L. Udall for your 800-word essay? This is the place to begin!

Udall Foundation

The Foundation typically awards 80 scholarships of up to $5000 and 50 honorable mentions of $350 to sophomore and junior level college students committed to careers related to the environment, Native American health care or tribal public policy.

The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders across a wide spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics.

Students are nominated by their university.

Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Scholarship Essay

Writing your 800-word essay?

Looking for a speech, legislative act, book,

or public policy statement by

Morris K. Udall or Stewart L. Udall?

This is the place to begin!

The American University Library has multiple sources for finding publications of Morris and Stewart Udall.

Click on the blue tabs above to find electronic sources including subscription databases available to the AU community
reliable Internet sites available to all

For books and selected articles,
click on the blue "Print Resources" tab.


For more information on the Scholarship

visit the Foundation's website:

Subject Guide

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Kathryn Ray

202 885-3238

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