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ITEC 200: The Edge of Information Technology

Business Librarian

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Welcome to the ITEC 200 Resource Guide!

This guide covers research resources that will help you with your Emerging Technologies assignment. 

The resources listed on this page will help you brainstorm ideas for a technology and then guide you toward identifying a specific, targeted technology to pitch to your client. 

Need research help? Get in touch with the business librarian! Contact details are below to the left. 

Resources for Finding a Technology

You can find an idea for a technology anywhere: TikTok, YouTube, your favorite show, your friend, your cat BUT if you're having trouble coming up with something, these resources may help you think of a broad technology that sounds interesting to you. You can also use these resources to make your topic more narrow and specific, or use one of the resources listed in the box below. 

These are newspapers to which we have full web access. 

These are popular sources to which the library subscribes or websites that are free to access without a subscription. 

Resources to Help Make Your Idea More Specific

How do you turn a general idea into something more narrow? You have to learn more about it! The resources listed below can help you do this.

Scholarly Databases

ABI/Inform and Business Source Premier are both scholarly business databases, meaning hey provide access to articles from scholarly business journals. Scholarship tends to be very narrowly-focused, which may help you think of a more specific application for your technology. 

IT Journals 

IT and Business-focused resources