Political News
CQ provides comprehensive news and updates from the United States Congress alongside official congressional documents. Homepage changes daily with updated content. Browse by topic, committee, or member name.
**Access limited to 5 concurrent users.**
Request an account to sign up for newsletters, alerts of legislative updates, transcripts, legislator/committee activity, etc.
Policy news, analysis, and intelligence. ** Due to technical limitations, some PoliticoPro content cannot be accessed via the website, including articles from other geographic editions and biographical profiles of members of Congress.
Current AU students, faculty, and staff may request PDFs of such articles and reports by sending email to liberm@american.edu.**
Platform also hosts E&E News and our subscription includes four titles: Climatewire, E&E Daily, Greenwire, and E&E News PM.
First time users: Follow the instructions in the library's account registration guide.
Access to the website of the New York Times - one of the world's leading newspapers.
Includes access to the New York Times InEducation curated reading lists.
Click the Log In button and sign in to access full news content 1981-present.
NEW! Registration required! Please click on the database link for instructions on registering for or reactivating your AU-sponsored account.
Once your account is activated, sign in on https://www.wsj.com/ to access.
Full access to the Wall Street Journal, with global coverage of business and financial news, in addition to national and international news. Includes English, Chinese, and Japanese editions.
Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
Includes mobile app and subscriber-only podcasts and events.
For quick access, click on the link above.
For a personalized experience or in the app, visit https://www.economist.com/, select the option to Log In, choose SSO, and select American University Library (not American University) from the list of institutions.
Offers political and economic outlook, long-term trends, industry forecasts and key indicators for regions and countries, including country-level data providing advice on risk, foreign investment and industry, and the business climate. Also provides in-depth market forecasts for the most frequently traded global commodities.
CityData was sunsetted in June 2024. Historical CityData files are available upon request.
The electronic editions of record for local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of key international sources. Over 4,500 news sources are included. Each provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and people in the community. Paid ads are excluded.
An excellent source of up-to-date news, business and legal information. News stories date back to the late 1970s. U.S. and international sources are available for most content areas. Includes Company Dossier content.
Emphasis on 20th-century historic newspapers. Coverage includes major American newspapers and prominent publications from underrepresented voices such as African American news, Jewish news, and publications covering gender issues.