What do you do when you know which newspaper you need, but not which database has the full text?
The Find Journals link will tell you which AU database has the full text of the newspaper.
Boolean operators:
AND - use to narrow a search and get fewer and more relevant results.
elections and voters
OR - use to broaden a search and get more results. Good for synonyms and words with variant spellings. Add parentheses when using OR.
("latin america" or argentina or colombia)
(organization or organisation)
NOT - use to narrow a search to get more relevant results
mexico not "new mexico"
Use to find words with different word endings. Most databases use an asterisk (*)
e.g. immigrant* yields immigrant, immigrants
e.g. immigra* yields immigrant, immigrants, immigrate, immigration, immigrating, etc.
Proximity search:
Use to find words that are close to each other on a page.
It is one way to find more relevant results.
Each family of databases has its own command words.
n# = words near another word in any order, within a certain number
fundamental* n3 islam*
near# = words near another word in any order, within a certain number
president* near3 speech
~# = words near each other in any order, within a certain number
"watershed planning"~10
Nexis Uni:
w/#=words within a specified number of words, in any order
"human rights" w/2 violations
w/s = words within the same sentence
crime w/s (dc or "district of columbia")
w/p = words within the same paragraph
gays w/p military
adj# = words near another word in any order, within a certain number
near/# = words near another word in any order, within a certain number
"renewable energy" near/5 viable
w/# = words near another word in any order, within a certain number
Web of Science:
near/# = words near another word in any order, within a certain number
government near/3 fund*
Current news stories from U.S. newspapers, news magazines, news broadcasts, and other news sources.
Searches several Newsstream databases containing US, Canadian, and international newspapers from the 1980s to the present. Full-text articles from over 1,200 newspapers worldwide, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Guardian, El Norte, Jerusalem Post, and South China Morning Post. Also includes 85 newspapers from the company Gannett.
Updated daily.
U.S. news sources that do not have the latest news.
Covers 270 newspapers from every region of the United States, including 7 from Washington DC.
Full text access to seven 19th century African American newspapers.
Contains full-page images of nearly 500 historic colonial and U.S. newspapers, based on the collection of the American Antiquarian Society.
The John R. Hickman Collection consists of more than 10,000 broadcast quality audio recordings of vintage radio news and entertainment programs, from the 1920s through the 1970s.
News and analysis covering climate policy developments in U.S. federal and state governments.
Previously InsideEPA/climate, Clean Energy Report, and Carbon Control News.
Includes access to general news available on the InsideEPA.com homepage.
An interactive database of Harper's Weekly magazine from the Civil War Era through the Gilded Age.
Coverage: 1857-1912
Current news stories from non-U.S. newspapers, news magazines, news broadcasts, and other news sources.
The electronic editions of record for local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of key international sources. Over 4,500 news sources are included. Each provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and people in the community. Paid ads are excluded.
Searches several Newsstream databases containing US, Canadian, and international newspapers from the 1980s to the present. Full-text articles from over 1,200 newspapers worldwide, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Guardian, El Norte, Jerusalem Post, and South China Morning Post. Also includes 85 newspapers from the company Gannett.
Updated daily.
Political, economic, security and strategic news and analysis on countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes the Latin American Weekly Report (1967 to present), the Latin American Regional Reports, and other reports. Some of the publications are also available in Spanish.
Alternative Press Index is an index of articles from more than 300 alternative, left and radical newspapers and periodicals from 1991 to present. Born of the New Left, it was launched in 1969 to provide access to the emerging theories and practices of radical social change.
The Alternative Press Index Archive (APIA) is a bibliographic database of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from over 700 international alternative, radical, and left periodicals that cover the period of 1969 through 1990.
To limit search to only one of the collections, once on the EBSCO search screen, click on the link above the search box to "Choose Databases", then deselect the other collection.
**Access limited to 5 concurrent users.**
Non-U.S. news sources that do not have the latest news.
Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
Includes mobile app and subscriber-only podcasts and events.
For quick access, click on the link above.
For a personalized experience or in the app, visit https://www.economist.com/, select the option to Log In, choose SSO, and select American University Library (not American University) from the list of institutions.