This scholarly database contains over 3,600 peer-reviewed publications in full-text on every subject.
The American Council of Learned Societies Humanities E-Book Collection contains 5,400 scholarly books from 250 publishers in the subject areas of anthropology, area studies, international history, literature, philosophy, political science, and women's studies.
Alternative Press Index is an index of articles from more than 300 alternative, left and radical newspapers and periodicals from 1991 to present. Born of the New Left, it was launched in 1969 to provide access to the emerging theories and practices of radical social change.
The Alternative Press Index Archive (APIA) is a bibliographic database of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from over 700 international alternative, radical, and left periodicals that cover the period of 1969 through 1990.
To limit search to only one of the collections, once on the EBSCO search screen, click on the link above the search box to "Choose Databases", then deselect the other collection.
**Access limited to 5 concurrent users.**
An index of scholarly literature on the history and culture of the United States and Canada.
American Doctoral Dissertations provides electronic access to the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities. The enhanced database includes more than 153,000 theses and dissertations from 1902 to the present.
This three part collection includes News Features & internal communications from 1848-2000, Washington, D.C. Bureau records from 1938-2009, and U.S. City Bureaus from 1931-2004).
This resource was made possible through the Samuel & Lucy Keker Endowed Library Fund.
A digitized version of the complete Atlanta Constitution newspaper starting in 1868 and running to 1945. Every year three additional years of content will be added.
Presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic way to evaluate science, social science, and humanities books and their scholarly impact and influence. Book Citation Index has citation data from 2005 to present.
A digitized version of the complete Chicago Tribune newspaper starting from 1849 to 1990.
Full-text Chinese-language articles from more than 3832 scholarly journal articles published in mainland China. Publication years vary widely, but most are from the 1990s to present. The articles can be searched in English as well as Chinese. Some articles have titles and abstracts translated into English.
American University's subscription encompasses the following classifications:
(G) Politics/ Military Affairs/ Law
(H) Education & Social Sciences
(J) Economics & Management
A collection of research and analysis in international politics and related fields, including security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental studies.Types of publications include working papers, policy briefs, current analysis and commentary, scholarly journal articles, e-books, and videos.
Analysis and statistics on U.S. presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial elections.
Formerly CQ Weekly. Comprehensive source for coverage of the U.S. Congress: status of bills, votes and amendments, floor and committee activity, backroom maneuvering, and in-depth reports on issues looming on the congressional horizon.
Congressional Research Service Reports provide a variety of in-depth policy analysis and background summaries on every subject of interest to Congress.
Sage Data Core provides U.S. and international statistical information. Includes the American Statistics Index, Statistical Abstract of the United States and a selection of full-text documents. As of June 2021, includes SAGE State Stats and SAGE Local Stats featuring statistical data series created from government and non-government datasets, covering topics of research interest for U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan areas. See a comprehensive list of datasets included in AU Library's Sage Data Core subscription.
Data Axle Historical US Business provides establishment-level information on businesses in the United States, at national, state, county, and ZIP code levels. Data on businesses in US territories are also included. Data are collected from multiple sources, including direct calls to businesses. The resource is a comprehensive source of information on small- and medium-sized businesses. This premium dataset is integrated in search on the Sage Data platform.
Declassified documents central to US foreign and military policy since 1945. Documents include presidential directives, memos, diplomatic dispatches, meeting notes, independent reports, briefing papers, White House communications, emails, confidential letters, and other secret materials.
Access full text of dissertations and theses in PDF format authored by American students. Access includes digitized and electronic dissertations and theses from 1916 until present. To see other formats, check our library catalog.
The collection presented here consists of Pearson's syndicated Washington Merry-Go-Round column published between 1932 and 1969. American University Library Special Collections Unit holds the typescript copies for the column that the syndicate sent to Pearson's office at the same time the typescripts were distributed to newspapers around the country.
A collection of over 125,000 titles, from the first book published in English, through 1700. Disciplines covered include literature, history, philosophy, theology, music, and the sciences.
Provides abstracts of the world's economic literature produced by the American Economic Association. It includes coverage of over 400 major journals as well as articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, book reviews, dissertations, and working papers.
Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
Includes mobile app and subscriber-only podcasts and events.
For quick access, click on the link above.
For a personalized experience or in the app, visit, select the option to Log In, choose SSO, and select American University Library (not American University) from the list of institutions.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) features the digitized format of 150,000 printed works -- nearly every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom, along with thousands of important works from the Americas.
Offers political and economic outlook, long-term trends, industry forecasts and key indicators for regions and countries, including country-level data providing advice on risk, foreign investment and industry, and the business climate. Also provides in-depth market forecasts for the most frequently traded global commodities.
CityData was sunsetted in June 2024. Historical CityData files are available upon request.
Choose from over 7500 streaming films in the humanities and social sciences, business, science and mathematics, health, and newsreels. About 50% of content has captioning available. No transcripts are provided.
Fuente Academica Premier is a rapidly expanding collection of over 570 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain. All major subject areas are covered with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion and sociology. The database is updated weekly.
Searchable resource of 70+ years of public opinion data and analysis compiled by Gallup, Inc. Includes answers to more than 125,000 questions, and responses from more than 3.5 million people interviewed by the Gallup Poll since 1935. Data is available from the United States as well as 160 countries dating from 2005. User can create custom tables and export data.
Bibliographic database covering the world's scholarly literature in history, excluding the United States and Canada. Equivalent to the printed version of Historical Abstracts.
Citations to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in over 190 journals devoted to Jewish affairs.
Citations and abstracts from roughly 900 journals and yearbooks in the fields of political science, international relations, and public administration. Covers publications from 1975 to the present. In most cases the abstracts are in English, and in some cases (non-English articles) in French. When the original article is not in English, the title in the record is in its own language, English and French.
Presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic way to evaluate science and social science journals and their impact and influence. JCR Web has the latest five-year data on a journal.
Full-text of back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences, plus a collection of more than one million digital art images for teaching and research.
American University is participating in JSTOR’s interactive research tool beta testing. View our FAQ for details.
Provides access to the literature on the left, with a primary emphasis on politically and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside the academy and a secondary emphasis on significant but little known sources of news and ideas.
An excellent source of up-to-date news, business and legal information. News stories date back to the late 1970s. U.S. and international sources are available for most content areas. Includes Company Dossier content.
Index to international literature on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender issues.
A digital collection of Greek and Latin works of history, literature, medicine, philosophy, political science, religion, the sciences, and theater, translated into English.
Access to the Los Angeles times from 1881 through 2012.
Access to the New York Times from 1851 to 2017.
The PAIS International database from ProQuest contains references to more than 634,401 journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material, and more. Includes publications from over 120 countries throughout the world. In addition to English, some of the indexed materials are published in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976.
Over 6.9 million papers included in every congress, conference, exposition, workshop, symposium and meeting received at the British Library.
Integrates data including demographics, home sale statistics, health data, mortgage trends, labor data and more with web-based GIS. This allows users to view data on maps, table, and charts.
** Access restricted to current AU students, faculty, and staff. **
** There was an update made to our authentication to this resource on August 20, 2024. Existing users will be prompted to verify their accounts by inputting a code sent to their email. **
Polling the Nations is a database of public opinion polls containing the full text of 500,000 questions and responses from 15,000 surveys conducted from 1986 to the present in the United States and 90 other countries.
**Access limited to 4 concurrent users.**
A worldwide index of conference proceedings. Covers conference proceedings, congresses, exhibitions, meetings, symposiums, and workshops received by the British Library Document Supply Centre.
Full-text articles from journals in the humanities, social sciences, and mathematics, published by university presses.
Multi-subject reference source covering general and academic periodicals; full-text is available for many articles.
Contains documents published by Congress including hearings, floor debates, bill text, legislative histories, and reports from the Congressional Research Service. Dates vary by publication and range from 1789-present.
This resource was made possible in part through the Lee Somers Endowed Library Fund.
Searches over 500 publications (with full text of 400) either about or authored by the US Government. Though the primary focus is the military, topics covered include many that intersect with security from aeronautics to climate change to international relations. Dates vary by publication with almost all going back to at least 1990-present.
RAND is a nonprofit public policy research institution and think tank. Founded after World War II with a focus on national security, their portfolio grew starting in the 1960s to include domestic issues such as health, education, sustainability, criminal and civil justice, and development. Full text thousands of reports, articles, and working papers. Covers 1946-present.
A collection of books, journal articles, case studies, videos and reference materials published by SAGE Publications on research methods and design. Includes Sage Research Video; Market Research; Practical Research and Academic Skills; Data Science, Big Data Analytics and Digital Methods; Deversifying and Decolonizing Research; Medicine and Health; Data Visualization; and Doing Research Online.
An easy-to-use web-based mapping, analytics, and data visualization application with 50,000+ data variables, including demographic data from the US Census and the American Community Survey (ACS), consumer spending data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), and over 20 million business points from Dun and Bradstreet with detailed profiles on each business, in addition to the CDC PLACES health data delivered by SimplyAnalytics providing 27 diverse health measures, including Health Outcomes, Prevention, Health Risk Behaviors, and Health Status including estimates. Users also have access to the Claritas PRIZM Premier marketing segmentation system enabling users to understand lifestyle characteristics of places or identify target market segments. Data is available down to the Census Block Group level.
Users may create accounts to save their searches or proceed as guests.**Access is limited to 5 concurrent users.**
Abstracts and some full text of journals and magazines in anthropology, sociology, psychology, business management, public administration, political science, criminology, and economics.
Contains bibliographic and citation information for 3,000 international scholarly journals across 50 disciplines.
Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC) is a uniquely comprehensive resource for the study of political violence of all kinds. In cooperation with a team of 2800 experts, TRAC gathers the best information for exploration of this topic by faculty, scholars, students, government and defense professionals, as well as the general public.
Indexes academic journals and books on topics relevant to metropolitan studies. Subjects covered include urban affairs, community development, and urban history.
The digitized version of the complete Wall Street Journal, with global coverage of business and financial news, starting from 1889. Coverage through 2011. For more recent and current coverage, please find the Wall Street Journal in our list of databases.
Access to the Washington Post from 1877 through 2007.
A combined citation index that comprises several databases: Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, MEDLINE®, SciELO Citation Index, and Zoological Record databases, which can be searched in the aggregate or singly.
Web of Science Core Collection contains several components: Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Index, Book Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, and Index Chemicus. To search in a subset of the components, select the database then select the desired index or indices in the 'Editions' dropdown menu.
Documents of Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's liaison activities with women's groups and their advocacy within the White House during the Ford Administration on issues of special interest to women. Includes material accumulated by presidential counselor Anne Armstrong and Office of Women's Programs Director Karen Keesling.
OCLC WorldCat is a catalog of holdings from libraries around the world - containing entries for books, videos, journals, recordings, and more - over 43 million records. Each record has a link to the American University interlibrary loan request form.
NOTE: WorldCat is NOT a database of research articles.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts is a major political science index providing citations and abstracts to journal articles, book chapters, books, and websites on subjects including international relations, law, and public administration and policy. Dating from 1975 and updated monthly, the WPSA is built on two indices: Political Science Abstracts and ABC POLSCI. Roughly 1,510 titles are being monitored for coverage; of these, 67% are published outside the United States.