This scholarly database contains over 3,600 peer-reviewed publications in full-text on every subject.
Covers 270 newspapers from every region of the United States, including 7 from Washington DC.
Alternative Press Index is an index of articles from more than 300 alternative, left and radical newspapers and periodicals from 1991 to present. Born of the New Left, it was launched in 1969 to provide access to the emerging theories and practices of radical social change.
The Alternative Press Index Archive (APIA) is a bibliographic database of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from over 700 international alternative, radical, and left periodicals that cover the period of 1969 through 1990.
To limit search to only one of the collections, once on the EBSCO search screen, click on the link above the search box to "Choose Databases", then deselect the other collection.
**Access limited to 5 concurrent users.**
Includes two collections, American Periodicals Series Online (APS Online) and American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries (APCRL), that contain digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the middle of the 20th century.
AP Images: Over 3.5 million news photographs from the 1840s through today. Also includes maps, timelines, logos and graphs. AP Interactives: A collection of multimedia content from the archives of the Associated Press. Interactives are fully-licensed for educational use.
A guide to the style used by writers, editors and others in the media field.
Formerly CQ Weekly. Comprehensive source for coverage of the U.S. Congress: status of bills, votes and amendments, floor and committee activity, backroom maneuvering, and in-depth reports on issues looming on the congressional horizon.
Congressional Research Service Reports provide a variety of in-depth policy analysis and background summaries on every subject of interest to Congress.
Sage Data Core provides U.S. and international statistical information. Includes the American Statistics Index, Statistical Abstract of the United States and a selection of full-text documents. As of June 2021, includes SAGE State Stats and SAGE Local Stats featuring statistical data series created from government and non-government datasets, covering topics of research interest for U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan areas. See a comprehensive list of datasets included in AU Library's Sage Data Core subscription.
Data Axle Historical US Business provides establishment-level information on businesses in the United States, at national, state, county, and ZIP code levels. Data on businesses in US territories are also included. Data are collected from multiple sources, including direct calls to businesses. The resource is a comprehensive source of information on small- and medium-sized businesses. This premium dataset is integrated in search on the Sage Data platform.
The DDRS contains about 700,000 declassified documents from 1900 to 2008. These documents are from the U.S. presidential libraries and the National Archives, and deal with nearly every major foreign and domestic event.
This resource was purchased in part through the generous support of Ronald Hamowy and Clement Ho.
The collection presented here consists of Pearson's syndicated Washington Merry-Go-Round column published between 1932 and 1969. American University Library Special Collections Unit holds the typescript copies for the column that the syndicate sent to Pearson's office at the same time the typescripts were distributed to newspapers around the country.
A complete digitized copy of American University's undergraduate student newspaper, The Eagle, from 1925 to June 2009.
Contains full-page images of nearly 500 historic colonial and U.S. newspapers, based on the collection of the American Antiquarian Society.
A major source of newspapers, web news, and industry news, containing 28,000 sources from over 200 countries in 23 languages. Includes Wall Street Journal television transcripts and newswires. Includes company profiles.
A database of streaming videos, all academic-level documentaries, across all subject areas. Transcripts of all programs provided. NOTE: This collection also includes the contents of Filmakers Library Online, volume 2.
The Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports are U.S. government transcriptions and translations of radio broadcasts from foreign countries. Annexes comprise an additional 7,000 transcripts to the Daily Reports. The modern successor to the FBIS Daily Reports is the World News Connection.
Searchable resource of 70+ years of public opinion data and analysis compiled by Gallup, Inc. Includes answers to more than 125,000 question, and responses from more than 3.5 million people interviewed by the Gallup Poll from 1935 to 2016.
See Gallup Analytics for current content.
The John R. Hickman Collection consists of more than 10,000 broadcast quality audio recordings of vintage radio news and entertainment programs, from the 1920s through the 1970s.
Full-text of back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences, plus a collection of more than one million digital art images for teaching and research.
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Provides access to the literature on the left, with a primary emphasis on politically and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside the academy and a secondary emphasis on significant but little known sources of news and ideas.
Online training and courses in such subjects as Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Office, digital photography, Web design, digital video, and more.
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See this FAQ for instructions to set up your account.
Access to the Los Angeles times from 1881 through 2012.
Most recent 2 months of over 400 U.S. and international newspapers, many in foreign languages. All newspapers are in their entirety and are available on the day they are published.
An excellent source of up-to-date news, business and legal information. News stories date back to the late 1970s. U.S. and international sources are available for most content areas. Includes Company Dossier content.
The PAIS International database from ProQuest contains references to more than 634,401 journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material, and more. Includes publications from over 120 countries throughout the world. In addition to English, some of the indexed materials are published in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976.
Polling the Nations is a database of public opinion polls containing the full text of 500,000 questions and responses from 15,000 surveys conducted from 1986 to the present in the United States and 90 other countries.
**Access limited to 4 concurrent users.**
Multi-subject reference source covering general and academic periodicals; full-text is available for many articles.
Contains documents published by Congress including hearings, floor debates, bill text, legislative histories, and reports from the Congressional Research Service. Dates vary by publication and range from 1789-present.
This resource was made possible in part through the Lee Somers Endowed Library Fund.
Emphasis on 20th-century historic newspapers. Coverage includes major American newspapers and prominent publications from underrepresented voices such as African American news, Jewish news, and publications covering gender issues.
Searches several Newsstream databases containing US, Canadian, and international newspapers from the 1980s to the present. Full-text articles from over 1,200 newspapers worldwide, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Guardian, El Norte, Jerusalem Post, and South China Morning Post. Also includes 85 newspapers from the company Gannett.
Updated daily.
RAND is a nonprofit public policy research institution and think tank. Founded after World War II with a focus on national security, their portfolio grew starting in the 1960s to include domestic issues such as health, education, sustainability, criminal and civil justice, and development. Full text thousands of reports, articles, and working papers. Covers 1946-present.
An index to 369 U.S. popular magazines and journals published from 1890 to 1982. This is the online version of the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature.
Contains bibliographic and citation information for 3,000 international scholarly journals across 50 disciplines.
An index of U.S. television news broadcasts beginning in 1968. NBC broadcasts from 1968 and CNN broadcasts from 1995 are available for viewing online. ABC and CBS broadcasts from 1968 and Fox News broadcasts from 2004 are available through video loan, for which Vanderbilt University charges a fee to recover costs. There are no transcripts or captioning provided.
A combined citation index that comprises several databases: Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, MEDLINE®, SciELO Citation Index, and Zoological Record databases, which can be searched in the aggregate or singly.
Web of Science Core Collection contains several components: Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Index, Book Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, and Index Chemicus. To search in a subset of the components, select the database then select the desired index or indices in the 'Editions' dropdown menu.