English-language database containing economic and business data, as well as analyses, current news, policies, statistics, and political developments for countries in Europe.
Economic Commission for Africa - ECA research focus areas include gender equality, agricultural productivity, information technology, social policy, and environmental concerns.
Asia-Pacific.com! - Strategic Business Information on the Asia Pacific.
Asis Pacific Management Forum - The APMF is a free daily e-zine of topical analysis and on-the-street commentary on Asian business, management, marketing, economics, finance, politics, business culture and management practice with authoritative market intelligence and research background.
Carving Out: Development in the Pacific - Carving Out provides an excellent introduction to development issues in the Pacific, including countries such as Fiji, Tonga, Paupa New Guinea, and the Marshall Islands.
Samsung Economic Research Institute - The site provides useful economic statistics for Korea such as national income, prices, employment, money and various social indicators.
CORDIS - Community Research and Development Information Service. CORDIS provides information on European Union research, development and innovation activities.
Eurasianet - A daily news and analytic service that covers Central Asia and the Caucasus .
The European Union in the US - This web site, offered by the European Commission's Offices of Press and Public Affairs in Washington DC and New York, will cover developments in the Transatlantic Action Plan and other aspects of the EU-US relationship.
Europa - The official WWW server offering information on the European Union's goals, policies, and statistics; run by the European Commission.
Europages - A purchaser's guide to a selection of 150,000 companies in 25 countries in 5 languages it also provides economic data, industry sector trends, fairs and exhibitions, etc.
Strategis - Industry Canada's Corporate Information site.
Wall Street Executive Library - A one-stop resource for CEOs in Canada, this portal includes news, reference tools, and a search engine directory. Websites are organized by country, mainly focusing on resources from Canada and the United States